Chapter 7

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Leon's POV

I wiped the sweat from my forehead that was already starting to appear before speaking to myself.

Leon: I'm at my weakest in dry climates like this, best to be careful.

I then began to make my way down the sand dune and across the desert, my footsteps sunk into the sand with every step and I felt grains of sand getting into my shoes with each one but I was too concerned with rescuing my sister to really care.

I kept a steady pace moving across the desert while talking out loud.

Leon: Damn, this suit wasn't made for desert travel.

As I continued I began to trek up the sand dune in front of me and after reaching the top, I held my hand over my face to keep the sun and sand out of my eyes and stared out into the vast sea of sand that stretched out for good knows how long with no real structures or landmarks in sight except for some scattered ruins a mile or two aways

Leon: Pod, set a waypoint for the location that the black box Anna picked up is at.

Pod 301: Waypoint set (The pod said as a waypoint appeared in the bottom corner of my vision)

It was somewhere off to my right from where I had entered the desert and thankfully it didn't seem to be too far off, so without wasting a moment I began to hurry towards the waypoint.

Suddenly huge plumes of sand shot up from in front of me and several machines landed on the ground right in front of me, I drew my swords as I got a better look at then.

It was several of those small biped machines except these ones wore tattered cloths around their necks and wore crude masks with paint on them like you'd see from one of those primitive tribes

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It was several of those small biped machines except these ones wore tattered cloths around their necks and wore crude masks with paint on them like you'd see from one of those primitive tribes.

One of them lunged at me with their sword but I deflected their strike with my new sword before stabbing my dagger into their head and forcefully ripping it out from the side killing the machine.

One of the other machines came at me from the side and I managed to evade their strike but their blade grazed against my skin and I hissed in pain when I felt a few grains of sand from on the blade irritate the open wound.

Leon: Rrgh, dammit I hate sand.

I sheathed my dagger and thrust out my palm, a large icicle began to form in my hand but it was taking much more effort to actually summon the thing and it wasn't as big as it usually would be but that's just a side effect of being in a hot dry environment with very little moisture.

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