Chapter 2

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Leon's POV

All of a sudden there was a loud rumbling as the ground began to shake, I almost tripped but I stabbed my sword into the ground and kept myself in place, Anna was also stumbling around in a panic before falling down into the floor and just laying there so that she would stumble around anymore.

Pod 301: Alert, Goliath class machine life form detected in the vicinity.

Leon: Goliath?

Suddenly a large geyser of water burst up from the shore right in front of me and a large metallic hand reached out and swung down at me, I jumped out of the way just narrowly being hit by the hand.

I landed face first onto the cracked street and groaned in pain before getting back up to my feet and drawing my sword just in time to see several other metallic hands stretching out and pushing against the shore acting as if they were pulling something out, which it turned out they were as the large metallic body of a machine rose out from beneath the water towering over everyone.

I landed face first onto the cracked street and groaned in pain before getting back up to my feet and drawing my sword just in time to see several other metallic hands stretching out and pushing against the shore acting as if they were pulling som...

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The machine looked like a gigantic skeleton with metal curved like ribs yet they also appeared like they could be used as legs, the machine and two large bulky arms and hands that looked large enough to an entire school bus, it's head was a giant skull with two bright glowing orange eyes that seemed to glow bright with hatred and wrath.

Leon: What the hell!? Anna get back!

Anna quickly got up and ran back towards the canyon area we had entered the flooded city from and out of the view of the machine, meanwhile I took a stance with my sword.

Pod 301: Alert, That is a Goliath class machine lifeform, proposal, Leon and Anna should flee and allow Yorha to handle this machine lifeform in the future.

Leon: No, I can't risk this thing following us and endangering Anna, I'll have to take it down here and now.




The machine raised one of its hands and swung it down at me, I quickly ran to the side and jumped forward out of the way just as it's hand smashed into the ground and caused several pieces of asphalt and dirt to scatter around, I ran to its fist and stabbed my sword into it before doing two more quick slashes against said hand before the machine suddenly moved its hand to the side and began to sweep it across the street picking up everything in its way but I managed to jump over the strike.

I stumbled forward as I landed on my feet and the machine swung its arm across the ground again and managed to hit me right in the back and send me flying through the air and skidding against the ground.

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