Chapter 8

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Leon's POV

It was a long, perilous, and tiring journey but I managed to carry Anna through the desert relying on my pod for protection back to the city ruins, I had just made my way past the two ruined buildings leaning on one another when Anna finally began to wake up.

Anna: Mmm, where am I?

Leon: Don't worry Anna, you are safe now.

Anna: Leon...what happened?

Leon: It doesn't matter Anna, a few machines took you from the resistance camp but I just got you back.

Anna: Thanks big think I can walk now.

Leon: Are you sure? Because I don't feel tired or anything.

Anna, however, was insistent and after a bit of squirming I crouched down so that she could get off my back and back onto the street, she stumbled a bit but I helped her upright herself and she was able to walk at my pace.

Anna: So what now Leon?

Leon: Now we head back to the resistance camp, hopefully, Anemone and her androids have put that communications relay back together and we can finally get out of here.

Anna: OK (She said with her head down)

Leon: Anna what's wrong, are you feeling alright?

Anna: I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous.

Leon: How come?

Anna: Well...we haven't met any other humans in a while, haven't we?

True, even before we froze ourselves there weren't really that many people we could sit down and hold a conversation with or anything, not to mention there's the fact that these are humans who have no doubt been living on the moon their entire lives so our perceptions of what's normal are bound to be different.

Leon: I'm nervous too Anna, but it'll be much safer on the moon with the other humans rather than here on earth, I'm sorry Anna but that's just the reality of the situation.

Anna: Ok.

The walk back to the resistance camp was rather uneventful, we saw some Moose but that was about it, soon we found ourselves walking up the small hill through the gate to the resistance camp which seems to have been repaired and reinforced since I was last here.

Me and Anna walked through the alleyways between the two ruined buildings and found ourselves back at the resistance camp, they've clearly been busy as I've only been gone a few hours at most yet they've practically fixed every bit of damage, you can't even tell that a huge battle that ended in my sister getting kidnapped had taken place.

Leon: (Hopefully the communications relay was also one of the things that got repaired)

It wasn't long until the androids took notice of us and Anemone came rushing over towards us and breathed a sigh of relief once she saw me and Anna were alright.

Anemone: Leon, Anna, it truly is a relief to see that the two of you have managed to return unharmed.

Leon: I don't know about 'unharmed' but yeah we're alright.

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