Chapter 3

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Leon's POV

Me and Anna along with our new Pod companion made our way back into the main city where we made our way towards this android resistance camp that could supposedly help us contact Yorha.

Now I've never met an android in person so I have no idea what interacting with one is going to look or feel like, do they look and act like humans or are they just humanoid machines? I won't know until I see one for myself.

I just hope that these androids are willing to help us, I mean me and Anna are both humans and it's their core programming to help humans so...

Look I really want to believe that I can trust these androids but I've made too many mistakes regarding who I can trust and it endangered my sister, I won't be so careless ever again.

At the very least I should meet these androids on the off chance that they really will help us, besides it's not like we have any other options for who to turn to.

As we walked down some streets of the city that we hadn't been down before the scenery began to change a little bit, the trees began to get closer together and much larger shadows were being cast beneath the dark green leaves that shined like emeralds from the sunlight reflecting off of them, yet they fluttered about from the wind as if they were feathers.

I must admit nature truly has flourished in humanities absence, the sky is clean and the water looks crystal clear (at least the water in the ponds and lakes) that huge ocean that was drowning part of the city didn't look so clean.

And that machine that was hiding in it, just what the hell was that thing? I get the pod called it a Goliath class machine-...wait...does that mean there are more machines out there that are that big?

Leon: Hey Pod, exactly how many Goliath class machines are there?

Pod 301: Unknown, Goliath class machine life forms come in many different forms but they are considered the largest of all other machine life forms and pose the greatest level of threat to humans and androids alike and are regarded as high priority targets should one be discovered.

Leon: Ok, I'm probably going to regret asking this but what do these Goliath class machines usually look like?

Pod 301: Recently Yorha androids encountered a Goliath class machine life form that encompassed an entire factory standing over hundreds of feet tall utilizing several pieces of mining equipment as limbs.

Leon:...(We need to get out of here)

If there are any more machines like that one and the one that I fought over by the flooded part of the city then me and Anna need to get out of here before we run into any more of them.

Leon: How much further till we reach the resistance camp?

Pod 301: At our current movement speed, estimated time of arrival is twelve minutes.

Leon: Oh, come in Anna, just a little further than we can

Anna: Ah! (She suddenly screamed while jumping back)

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