Chapter 4

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Leon's POV

Ok it's official, androids go fucking crazy when the see a human for the first time,I mean I get their whole reason for existing is to protect us but do they really have to act as if we're celebrities?

A little bit after the other androids overcame their initial shock from seeing me and Anna they all practically crowded around us to get a closer look.

I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting would happen when me and Anna introduced ourselves to these androids but this certainly wasn't it, at least their leader Anemone has calmed down from her initial surprise.

Anemone: Ahem, while I am glad that the two of you have graced us with your presence I have to ask, why are you here on earth when it is still too dangerous because of the machine lifeforms.

Leon: Yeah I was about to get into that when you and the other androids-

I gently pushed away the hand of an android who kept poking me and was fascinated by how soft my skin was before turning back to Anemone and said.

Leon: Hey could we talk somewhere a little more private? It's a little hard to concentrate with so many eyes on me.

Anemone: O- oh of course, everyone resume your work!

The androids groaned in disappointment clearly wanting to spend more time with us but went back to whatever they were doing, Anemone gestured for us to follow her and so we did just that, she led us towards the back of the resistance camp through some sort of alleyway like area with several more buildings that were being used by the androids, one of which seemed to be a warehouse that they were using for storage...but storing what is what I'd like to know.

Eventually Anemone led us to one building near the back that looked to be surprisingly intact compared to the rest of the buildings throughout the city and even had a door in place, she brought out a key and unlocked it and motioned for me Anna and the pod to come on, and so we did just that.

The interior of the building was quite well furnished with things like a couch, table and a bed, although they looked to be in poor condition but still seeing actual furniture was a really refreshing sight.

Anemone: I apologize for me and my fellow androids behavior, it's has been so long since we've gotten to see human up close and many of us are newer models who have never seen a human before, to them you are like something spoken out of a fairytale.

Leon: It's fine I guess, but now onto more important business.

Anemone: Yes, why exactly are you and Anna here on earth?

Leon. Well to make a long story short me and my sister were actually frozen in these cryo pods centuries ago and have only recently woken up, and now we're trying to get in contact with Yorha so that they can pick us up and take us to the moon with the other humans.

Anemone: I see...well don't worry as it is an android's sworn duty to aid humans you can rest assured that I and all the other androids here will do whatever we can to help you.

Level up
Level 4

(A/n): Before anyone asks why would he just randomly level up like that, quests give XP too.

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