William Solace Has A Brilliant Idea

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William Solace had always been a huge theater nerd. Ever since the late Michael Yew had introduced the Apollo cabin to the wonders of musical theatre, it had Will and his siblings absolutely hooked.

When Michael passed on and Will took his place as counselor, he swore to himself that he would continue Michael's legacy, and introduce every new sibling of his to the wonderful joy that was musical theatre that Michael had brought into his life so many years ago.

Therefore, as the Apollo cabin settled in their seats at the theater (Chiron had allowed them to go), eagerly waiting for the showing of Hamilton to start, Will's thoughts began to wander.

What if he and his siblings planned and directed a musical of their own back at camp? He was sure that they would agree with the idea. Plus, he hadn't exactly inherited many music related skills from his father, so he'd need their help. One man couldn't do everything alone! But one cabin could only do so much. They still needed actors and actresses, costume designers, and so much more help to make the musical become a reality. Maybe, just maybe, the other campers would go with his idea.

The house lights dimmed, and Will, who had been humming softly, his leg bouncing up and down, immediately snapped his attention back to the stage in front of him. He would have time to talk with Chiron about his idea later. For now, he had a musical to watch.

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