Piper McLean Rallies Her Troops (It's Just Cabin Ten)

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Will knocked on Cabin Ten's flawlessly decorated, pure white door, praying that someone with a decent personality answered. He did not want to deal with a snobby Aphrodite camper, at all. He didn't mind them, not really, but it would make his job a lot more easier if they'd stop screaming so much every time he tried to fix up a gash or a wound of theirs. Plus, they'd probably look down on his idea and spit in his face.

Will shuddered at the thought as the door finally creaked open to reveal a pair of mesmerising, colourful eyes looking back at him.

"Hey, Will! Need something?" Asked Piper with a wave. Will almost shouted a cry of relief, right there and then.

"Yes, actually," he said, explaining his idea for what felt like the billionth time that day. Geez, this was getting tiring.

"...so, I was hoping that you and your siblings could help with costume designs! Aphrodite kids are good at that sort of thing, so-" Will was cut off by a shriek that came from inside the cabin, causing everyone to fall silent, turn, and look at the one who made the high pitched sound. A small girl with blonde pigtails stood rooted to the ground, staring directly at him. Slowly, she lifted a finger to point at him.

Deliberate yet menacingly, she said, "Did you, just say, costume designs?"

Will gulped. Dear gods of Olympus, why him? Was this going to be his last day on Earth? No, come on. This was just a small kid, right? What harm could she do to him? Swallowing his fear, he nodded. The girl's eyes widened.

"Oh, my, gods."

The whole cabin erupted into cheers and squeals. Papers flew everywhere. Overeager campers were frantically sketching out designs, bustling about. An Asian boy ran up to Will, shoved a sketch into his hands, babbling, "Is this okay? Is this acceptable? I can redo it if you want!" the boy was panting, but his eyes shone with glee.

"Uh... the theme of the play hasn't been really decided yet, but this is a really nice design! I'll keep it in mind," Replied an overwhelmed Will, shakily giving the boy a thumbs up. The boy's head bobbed up and down, and he dashed off to talk to one of his sisters.

Will looked on at the scene before him, dumbfounded.

"Well, I guess that's a yes," Piper laughed.

"I guess so, thanks again." Piper waved her hand vaguely. "No problem. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need to settle them down..."

Piper stalked into the cabin, clapping her hands. An aura of authority surrounded her as she yelled instructions to her siblings to organise them.

Will smiled to himself. Looked like Piper had things settled here. Next on the agenda: a very special meeting he had to attend.

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