/A rude awakening/

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The last owl, whooting before its sudden sheltering of the storm looking clouds. Soft snow, pelting on the windows, wind making the trees dance gracefully . An enderianin, Fawn, and small piglin, Sleeping..peacefully.

 Suddenly, There was a rude awakening of a loud Rumble, followed by the whines of a child, and howling wind.The snow fell heavy, and the windows creeking from the pressure. Tubbo, awakens suddenly, and tirdly gets out of bed, laying the blanket over Ranboo again. He yawned, making his way to Michael's room, seeing a whining piglin, thunder must have woke him. He sighs walking over and picking up the young child. "Shhh its okay Michael....it was only thunder.." Tubbo reassured the piglin, gently rocking him. The Baby's whines turned to small whimpers, as Tubbo carried him to His and Ranboo's Bed.

 Tubbo smiled, as Michael fell asleep once more. He yawned and sat on the bed, laying Michael on his chest, and...peace..finally. Ranboo asleep next to him, he smiled, ' My Beloved '..He thought turning to look at his locket. He sighs, placing Michael next to Ranboo before getting up. ' Time too cook. ' he thought. He pulled his bangs back, using the bandana Tommy had given him. He stretched, and walked over to Ranboo's side of the bed, collecting his dishes and his glass by his bed. He places a kiss on Ranboo's forehead before he walked out the room and into the kitchen. Placing the dishes, mostly cups and bowls, He smiled. 

He began to make dough, for pancakes. He rolled the dough, circling it, pouring a little bit of maple to make it sweet, and cook. A sweet scent of maple and flour soon filled the house, and the snow stopped, the earth smelling fresh. Birds chirpped, bees hummed as they too made food. Ranboo, catching the scent of maple, stirred from his slumber, looking over and not seeing Tubbo. He panicked for a second but then realised he was probably down stairs. He yawned, Seeing Michael awake just staring at him. " Oh. " Ranboo said nervously, getting out of bed. Michael hurrying over to Ranboo to be picked up, was lifted by Ranboo, who tiredly yawned, slowly walking down the stairs. He saw Tubbo cooking pancakes and smiled..

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