/ One sweet sweet breakfast /

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" TubbooOOOOOooo " Ranboo muttered, As he placed Michael in his chair, a stack of books ontop for him to sit on so he could reach. Ranboo, Tirdly dragged himself over to Tubbo and laid his head on his shoulder. "Ello bossman." Tubbo answered, the smell of sweet maple now stronger. " Are you making pancakes? " Ranboo said excitedly, his tail betting back and fourth happily. 

" mhmm. " Tubbo said cheerfully. Micheal snorted, wanted to be noticed. " yeah yeah, I got your food Micheal. " Tubbo said, walking over to the table, and placing the meal down. He sprinkled a small amount of powdered sugar on top. " Snort!! " Micheal said happily, picking up his fork. Tubbo patted Michael's head. And turned back, beginning to clean. " O-oh Tubbo, I could clean up if you wanted - " Ranboo said, looking away. " Oh my primes, I'm sorry- " Tubbo quickly took his bandana of his head, letting his bangs fall over his eyes. Ranboo looked back and smiled. " Here you eat and I'll clean. " Ranboo Stated, with a warm smile. " sure boo. "

 Tubbo said, walking up stairs to change. Ranboo stood from a crouch, turning to clean the counter space and the floor, He wiped off the flour, and placed the wheat back in its basket. He swept the floor, and Tubbo walked back down stairs, Now in a snow jacket with a fluffy hood. He placed himself at the table, And ate his pancakes.

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