/A broken mishap / literally.😒

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Tubbo trotted through the forest close to his home. Close enough for a cry to be heard. Tubbo noticed a few good apples in a tree but it was to high. He was determined to get the and began to try climbing The tree. He grunted as he struggled to get up. Ranboo watched him through the window. He so going to fall. Ranboo looked away. THUD...... " FUCKIN OW!"

 Ranboo rushed out to see Tubbo siting holding his arm. Ranboo walked over and kneeled down. Tubbo looked up, now Ranboo couldn't see his eyes but he saw tears trickling down his face as he sniffled. " Tubbo are you alright.." Ranboo asked Tubbo calmly, noticing Tubbo was grasping his arm. Ranboo reached for Tubbo's arm and gently held it. Tubbo winced at the touch and wiped his tears. 

"Does this hurt.." Ranboo asked and lifted Tubbo's arm carefully. Tubbo had more tears falling down his face. " OW! yeas that hurts Tubbo said wincing. Ranboo sighed wiping tubbo tears and helping him up. They made their way back to the house and Tubbo sat on the bed while Ranboo fetched supply's and Micheal ate cookie next to him. Micheal offered the slobber covered  cookie to Tubbo. " Eh..no thanks Micheal.." Gross Tubbo thought. Ranboo walked over With bandages and something to hold the arm in place. 

Tubbo looked over and Ranboo sighed. Ranboo gently lifted Tubbo's sleeve and began wrapping  Tubbo's arm. "Ow ow ow-" Tubbo whispered under his breath. Ranboo tightened the wrapping before he put an arm sling  over it.       Ranboo smiled " there.." He said as he closed up the Aid kit, looking away. Tubbo smiled and gave Ranboo a small kiss on the Cheek. " Thanks bossman" He says with a smile and slight blush on his cheeks. 

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