/ your not an idiot! /

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Tubbo sniffles as he looked at Ranboo, he looked concerned..do he dare tell him..

He took a deeply breath..... " Am I....stupid..? " Tubbo muttered his face covered with his bangs. Ranboo could see tears trickle down Tubbo's face.

Ranboo 's eyes widened, " T-Tubbo who told you that?! " He stammered, even more worried.

More tears poured down Tubbo's face as he looked over. " Ranboo...Why did I climb that tree. " Tubbo said, " I-I broke my arm..And now I can barely do anything without assistance. ...Why Am I such..An idiot.. "

Ranboo felt his heart pain. he Placed his hand in Tubbo's and looked over. " Tubbo....your not an idiot. Your my smart, handsome, " he blushed a bit " husband. You are a brave, strong man, Tubbo. " Ranboo said looking out the window.

Tubbo smiled through tears as he looked down. "SNORT SNORTT!" Michael ran over and hugged Tubbo's legs.

 Tubbo smiled and patted his head. Then the doorbell wrang.

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