( A visit from a Dove)

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Tubbo looked down the stairs after hearing the doorbell ring. He got up and carefully made his way down stairs and seeds arriving at the door opening it.

As he opened it a large blast of snow and cold wind flew in the house. But through the fog and heavy snow, there was a shivering harpy- dove covered in snow. He wore a white shirt with selves and the top part red. He has a red Bennie on and a pair of warm earmuffs and gloves. 

 "Tommy?!" Tubbo said pulling him inside and slamming the door. " Tubbooo! My good pal! " Tommy said awkwardly. " I know that voice. What do you want. " Tubbo said looking up to Tommy with an angry glare. 

Tommy noticed the glare and tried to change the subject, he looked at Tubbo's arm, " Tubbo what happened to your armmm..!!?? " Tommy said bending down to look at the sling closer.

 "I fell-" Tubbo said, leaving out the details. Tommy looked suspicious, before he heard footsteps and a small piglin speed down the stairs and ran into him with a big hug.

 " Yoo! Big man! " Tommy shouted lifting his leg, picking up Michael with his leg. Micheal giggled, as Tommy pulled him off by his legs. Tommy swung Michael by his legs while Tubbo turned to clean the table.

Michael laughed, as Ranboo walked down stairs. Ranboo looked at Tommy with a face saying 'really..?' . Tommy noticed and flipped Micheal right side up, placing him down.

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