(Healing problems)

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A few problems come with a broken arm. Cooking...taking care of a child...Sleeping- okay. There's a lot of problems.

Tubbo yawned as the sun finally set..He settled down on the sofa as Ranboo made popcorn. Time to watch the office!  Ranboo came over and sat down next to Tubbo switching on the show.


Tubbo went to reach for the popcorn....forgetting about his arm as he bent it to grab a handful. " Fuck owwwww" Tubbo groaned putting his arm back in place, his eyes watered a bit...it hurt, bad. Ranboo sighed patting Tubbo's head and handed him some popcorn in the other hand. Tubbo felt...stupid...He can't even eat with his hand.


Tubbo and Ranboo decided to go to bed as they switched of the TV and threw away the popcorn. Tubbo slowly made his way up the stairs, careful not to stumble. Ranboo walked close behind to make sure he didn't tumble down the steps. As Tubbo reached The top of the steps, he peaked into Michael's room and smiled. Cutie.

 He Closed the door, leaving a creek open. He walked into his bed room and sat down. As he went to lay back, he hit his arm and it sent a sharp pain his arm and he whisper shouted " ow ow owwww. " he said holding his arm. Tears fell down his face. Stupid...why did he even decided to climb that tree. 


Tubbo stood in the kitchen preparing good that made the house smell great. Tubbo picked up the pan, of course wrong hand. It out weight on his hand compared with a burn from the pan. " FUCK! " he shouted, dropping the pan. It made a loud clang as it Hit the floor.Ranboo rushed down stairs and saw Tubbo gripping his arm , a few tears falling.

 " TUBBO! " Ranboo walked over. " Its okay tubs. Here I'll clean the ground up and cook. " Ranboo reassured him. Tubbo nodded and walked away but as soon as He turned his back he began crying more. Why did I climb that tree..Tubbo thought. 

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