~Dinner with no invite~

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Later, the winds howling began to quiet. The snow has calmed and the freezing temperatures slowly went up. Tommy sat playing checkers  with Ranboo while Tubbo tried cooking with his left hand, since he broke the other one-.

 "Uhh.There." Tommy says out loud to himself as he picked up his white checker. Tubbo slid the steak onto the plate, "YES! LETS GO WO- OW!" He yelped accidentally lifting both of his arms. He sighed, "KAY dinners ready" Tubbo said putting glasses of water on the table.

"AYO! Thanks Tubster!" Tommy chirped, Patting his back. Ranboo walked downstairs holding Micheal , after Tommy and kissed Tubbo's head. " Thank you!" Ranboo smiles, Before placing Micheal in his chair, and sitting down aswell. 

" So Tommy- Why exactly did you come here in the middle of a blizzard??" Ranboo asked, handing Micheal an apple piece. "Funny story uh- I kinda like need to stayyyy" Tommy said poking his steak with his fork. Tubbo looked a Ranboo. Ranboo looked at Tubbo. Micheal ate a cookie. "Uhh." Tubbo said looking back at Tommy.

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