Decided through dinner

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"Y-You want to stay..? Here?" Tubbo said looking confused. "Yeahhh " Tommy says awkwardly sipping his water. "Why??" Ranboo asked his ears twitching a bit.  "I blew up half my house." Tommy said shoving pork in his mouth.

"WHAT." Tubbo said dropping his fork.

"Yep." Tommy said.

Tubbo looked and Ranboo who was already looking back at him. Tubbo gulped, how could he say no? It was his best friend?? Ranboo looked at Tommy and sighed, Before he turned to Tubbo once more a nodded.

"Alright, Fine. You can stay for the week" Tubbo said with a sigh. "REALLY?!" Tommy asked, his wings flapping quickly. "Yeah" Tubbo said with a smile. "SNORT!" Micheal Honked holding  out his arms to get down.


Micheal and Tommy were now asleep, Tommy on the couch and Micheal in his room. Tubbo picked up A few of Micheals scattered toys and the dishes left on the table. He shut of the light and the Television And walked by the stairs, before he looked at Tommy.

Surely he wouldn't regret letting him stay...

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