(-A Bastard Babysits-)

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"Tommy!" Tubbo Called, " we're going out for a bit- can you manage watching Micheal and..Shroud?" he finished. "YEAH SURE-" Tommy called. Tubbo walked over to the front door, and reached for his coat. "Eh, eh!" He jumped trying to grab it, Just as Ranboo came downstairs. "Need help with that Tubs.?" He asked, holding in a laugh. Tubbo looked at him with a pout, "Yes." He crossed his arms.Ranboo easily reached for his coat and handed it to him, before grabbing his and putting it on as well . "TOMMY WE'LL BE BACK SOON!" Tubbo reminded him, before him and Ranboo walked out doors.

30 Minutes Later...

"AH MICHEAL- DONT DRAW ON THE WALLS!!" Tommy called out running to a phone. "PHILLLLL" Tommy cried. "Yeah mate?"phil answered. "How the FUCK do you get crayon off the wall-." Tommy said in a worried tone. "WHAT- T-TOMMY WHAT-ARE YOU DOING??"Phil said panicked.

"Babysitting.."Tommy Said while running towards Micheal and Shroud.

*phil Hung up*

-The door would creek open-

"Tommy, We're ho-." Tubbo stopped. "AY. TOMMY WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tubbo panicked.

"I-Well-uhm-." Tommy stuttered.

Tubbo squeezed the bridge of his nose, " Never-mind. I clean up." Tubbo mumbled, Walking away.

Tommy looked sorry as he rubbed his arm slightly. Ranboo walked over, "It's alright Tommy- Babysittings hard.."He placed a hand on his shoulder. Then he walked away.

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