first day

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Click click click 

the sounds of your heels clicked across the floor of the G.C.P.D as you walked in with a box of your belongings. You just recently got hired in Forensics as the new medical examiner. 

You worked at Arkham before, and worked at other institutions, and was good at your job. But never would you thought you'd work for G.C.P.D. You weren't the best but damn near. 

looking around the station you saw a lot of busy cops, followed by a lot of cops who didn't seem to care. either standing around and chatting or sitting at their desk doing nothing. Maybe the G.C.P.D wasn't all it lead up to be. But it was work, and it was a good paycheck. 

You walked into your new office and placed the box down on the desk and looked around at the cold, depressing room. there was a low yellow light that hummed over the room that was just bright enough for you to see everything, including the dust pile up. 

you smoothed out your tight, black dress and tried wiping off the dust that already somehow got on you. you began to unpack your box and place the belongings on the desk. you didn't need much in your office considering you would be in the medical room most of the time, but it was still nice to make your dark office somewhat nice. 

placing the box in the corner of the room, you knew you had to go get a different lightbulb for the room for this was too dark for you. before you could walk to the door a man erupted into your office. you looked at him, he was a stocky guy with a lot of hair and wore a hat. following behind him a more quiet, refined guy. you took a step back as the stocky guy grew closer. 

he looked you up and down and smirked slightly, he reached out his hand to shake yours. you gave him your hand 

"Hello, I'm (y/n), I'm the new medical examiner," you said confidently with a smile, you didn't wanna come off cocky or pathetic.  You shook the other guy's hand as well. 

"I'm Harvey bullock and this is my partner Jim Gordan, we're detectives here," he said, the scent of beer lingered on his breath, nearly making you gag but you tried your best to ignore it. 

"well, some of us here are detectives," Jim said with a half-smile, "we just wanted to welcome you. if you need anything you can ask me if I'm around" 

"Ah detective Bullock and Gordan, I've heard about you two on the news. interesting cases have been occurring and ironically you two are always in the middle and coming out to be the heroes. It's an honor truly," you said, you knew they looked familiar but couldn't place a finger on it until now, "I'll be sure to ask, but I think ill be fine" 

"I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, but I'm flattered regardless," Bullock said with a wink. you groaned under your breath but kept your smile. 

"well, if you'll excuse me I have to go do something now," you said with a smile and a wave as you walked past the two. you wandered around and tried to find a storage closet. after a while of wandering, you finally found one and looked inside for your lightbulb. once you found it you decided to just walk around and get a feel for the place. 

Criminals were incarcerated, being brought in, screaming, crying, the whole ordeal was truly disturbing. a lot of cops were rude or were doing everything in their power not to do any work. walking toward to forensics section, you heard something that caught your attention. 

you looked at the room name and it stated toxicology, you peaked into the room where the noise came from and glanced around. you saw two people, a tall man, slender with glasses and brown hair with a much shorter girl with strawberry blonde hair. 

you knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop but you couldn't help it. she seemed upset about something but couldn't make out what was being said. he seemed caught off guard. 

he was going to say something but she turned around quickly and walked out, you snapped back out of the door frame and stood to the side, resting your back against the wall and remaining still, hoping that she would just walk out and not notice you. as she rushed out, she noticed you and stopped to look at you, her face was red but soon grew twisted in anger and confusion,

"you know it's not polite to eavesdrop on people! especially when you're new!" she snapped and rushed off. she wasn't wrong but she didn't have to say it like that. you peeked back into the room and now you had the guy's attention. you grew bashful out of embarrassment and gripped the lightbulb to your chest and walked back to your room, the sound of your heels clicking all the way across the linoleum flooring.

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now