a good kid

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After a while of living together, things were weird. it felt like your condition was growing worse, and the same with his. he didn't talk about his, so you didn't talk about yours. you just tried your best to piece together what you did most of the nights, and most of the nights were sex with eddys other personality, waking up in the hallway of the apartment, or somewhere random, usually a housing building. 

it killed you not knowing everything, and it killed you just having this to live with, but it was life. as long as it didn't affect your relationship, or affect your work you didn't care. the only thing is, you didn't meet his other personality, and he didn't meet yours. if that's what they're called. 

despite the oddity of life with this new being, its been nice being with eddy. you've been too scared to go back home, you were willing to give up everything and move in with him actually. 

your apartment, belongings, plants, hell even work crossed your mind a few times. 


you were committed, in love even. madly. 

he always made you dinner, lunches, and sometimes breakfast, he would go to your apartment and get whatever you needed, he bowed at your whim and you bowed at his. 

it wasn't just a matter of love, it was everything. the sex, the caring, the fact that he stuck with you after your drastic appearance change. he didn't care about how pale you were stained now, or how you had another being inside you. you were his and that's all he seemed to care about.  

however, ed is weird in his own tribe. it feels like he has something going on in his mind all the time. he always gets caught off guard when you try to speak to him randomly, as if he was deep in thought, deep in his own mental world. you would even catch him talking to himself a lot, and seemed irritated or upset most of the time. 

to be fair, it was the same with you. 

you felt lost, confused, scared, and stressed in your own mind. there was a parasite inside you an there was no way to expell it. no antidote, no medicine. 

well, there was one way. 

but you werent ready for that..yet. 

you tried anti-psychotics, nothing. sedatives to help you sleep throughout the night, nothing. the dark circles under your eyes and waking up in random places proved that. and the screaming and self-hatred voice inside you proved anti-psychotics werent shit. 

but maybe it was different for him, maybe he found something to help him go through a normal day to day, but doubtful. he let it affect everything, but didnt let anyone see the affect. work, himself, except for the relationship. if something was wrong, he would step away from the apartment or go to bed. you never complained though, he had his methods and you had yours. 

yours, however, was actively avoiding the situation or hyper-focusing on your work. it was unhealthy, but you didn't have the ability to deal with it. and you didn't have the ability to face your brother. you didn't want to go home for that reason, not saying he'd try to see you, but he had the tendency to pop in. 

"hey whats on your mind?" edward asked, breaking your train of thought. 

"hm? oh nothing, just thinking about work," he scoffed and sat down on your desk, 

"you always think about work though," you shrugged and rubbed his leg a little bit, 

"i guess i do a little bit, but no more than another," 

"liar, you like work but not that much, besides you always say work," he seemed a lot more confident lately. his actions, words, statements, how he acted with others, it all seemed off. but just slightly enough. he took your hand in his and pulled you up to your feet. you wrapped your arms around his neck and stood in between his legs as he continued to sit down on your desk, his hands snaked around your waist and held you close to him. 

"there's a new case that Gordons been discussing with me, there's no body, or even a defined case, but apparently a girl went missing and she worked for the G.C.P.D at one point of time, i think he said her name was like caroline? christie?" ed's expression changed a little bit, and his hold on you grew tighter, 

"Kristian," he said coldly, you nodded and smiled a bit, 

"yeah! Kristian! did you know her? he said someth-" he broke your speech with a kiss. your eyes widened a bit but melted into the kiss. he rubbed his hands along your waist, and slid his tongue between your teeth and lapped his tongue with yours in unison. he slid his hand up to your throat slowly and cautiously. 

you played with his hair a little bit as he started to lean back slightly, pulling you up more against him. you worked with him and climbed up on the desk and sat on his lap, hugging your legs against his. his hand grew more trembly as he applied a little bit of pressure to your neck. 

knock knock

you heard someone knock on the door followed by a squeak of the door opening. you scrambled to get off of ed and fixed your dress. he adjusted his glasses and stood back up. 

"ill see you after work love," he leaned in and kissed your cheek before walking out of the room. 

you smoothed out your dress and looked at the visitor to see Harvey approaching. 

"the M.E and toxicologist shacking up together during work? tsk tsk tsk," he joked, 

"do you need something detective?" you asked, trying to move the visit along, he dropped some files down on your desk, 

"no deaths to be examined yet, but thought you'd want to look at the case too, a bombing took place at bank, everyone got out, seems it followed the other incidents, we're hoping there wont be any deaths nor any more incidents after today but hard to tell with this guy," you walked over and looked through the folder, fascinating. his motives were smart, even you had a hard time figuring out the riddles before you saw them solved. the man got up and adjusted his hat, 

"have you been okay kiddo?" he asked, you looked up from the file confused, 

"yeah I'm okay, why?" 

"well, i was just wondering, that outburst you had at me seemed out of character, and after the whole acid thing I just worried," you cocked your head to the side and raised an eybrow, 


"yeah, don't you remember? you made a crack at my alcoholism because i made a crack at your family," 

"i don't," you paused and shook your head, "that never happened detective, i think i would've remembered if i lost my temper, usually I'm relaxed," 

"maybe it was just a bad day, but i wanted to apologize, you don't know me and i don't know you so it was out of pocket," you grew tense and felt like something was crawling around you, you blanked out and felt tears grow to the surface of your eyelids, 

"uh-uhm i," you stammered and set the folder down, harvey looked at you and placed a hand on your arm stiffly,

"hey its okay, no need to cry" you sniffled, you don't know what got over you suddenly. you took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second, "look i have to go, but if you need anything I'm here. and Ed is a good man, a little weird, but good. just take it easy," he began to walk to the door.

"oh yeah harv, I'm sorry about jim, i know he didn't do it, but i hope they find whoever did do it soon," the man gave you a nod and walked off. 

a good man

you took a deep breath and smiled, he was a good man. but part of him remained a mystery somehow. 

"yeah he's a mystery because you haven't seen the real him," the vision popped up in front of you, "if you saw the real him you'd love him even more," she giggled, sinisterly. there was something evil about her, however something sad in her complexion. she was holding onto something emotionally. 

"you don't even know what you do almost every night," you raised your eyebrow, 

"what do you do when I'm asleep," you asked softly, almost afraid to know the answer, 

"you should go find victor and ask him." 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now