welcome back

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you groaned as the light of the sun poured into the room of the apartment room, you felt a lot colder than you did when you went to sleep. opening your eyes you scanned the room, something felt off. you couldn't remember anything from the night before. you looked down and saw you were completely naked, with ed laying between your legs equally as naked as you. 

you weren't disturbed over it, but you were confused. did you get drunk with him? no, you would've been hung over if that was the case. you smiled a little bit, you liked waking up with him, and he looked cute when he was asleep. his little brown curls poking through his usually straight hair. 

you ran your hand through his hair gently and combed through his locks, he stirred in his sleep a little and rubbed his chin on your inner thigh as if he was trying to wipe the drool off him, 

"eddie," you said softly, trying to wake him up, 

"mmph" he mumbled, stirring once more in his sleep before waking up. he opened his eyes and saw where he was laying. he planted soft kisses on your inner thigh and trailed upwards till he was eye to eye with you. 

"good morning," he said softly, 

"good morning eddie," you sat up and looked down at him, continuing to rub your hand through his hair, "do you remember anything that happened last night?" he grew slightly alarmed, 

"w-wait what?" he asked, he sat up and wrapped the blanket over his lap, 

"for some reason i just cant explain why, but i don't remember what we did last night, but i mean based on context clues and how i feel its not hard to tell what happened," 

"w-well yeah, but," he paused and thought, it was like he was trying to find something to rationalize it, "do you ever have like this uhm, like voice? in your head that you can visualize?" he seemed hesitant, as if he didn't want to know the answer completely, 

"y-yeah, ever since i fell into the acid, its like there's another personality inside of me, but an evil one," he frowned and reached out and grabbed your hand, 

"i have that too, but mine came randomly," he fixated on your hands, which you don't know how that makes you feel, was he just being awkward or was he trying to get used to your new look. 

"i think what happened was our personalities met each other last night, usually I'm not certain about these types of things, but this time it seems to be the only logical thing," 

"does yours come out a lot?" you asked, he shrugged, 

"its really hard to say, i don't ever really remember the night before. he just gives me the spark notes when he wants and waits for me to figure out whatever he did," you just nodded, the idea of that scared you. not knowing what happened, what was said, when, what, why, who, or where. 

"hey but don't think too much of it, it gets better, and maybe its just a temporary thing for now, but now we should focus on how we should probably get up and ready for work," he smiled and cupped your face into his hands, you grabbed his wrists gently and smiled, 

"you're right, plus maybe there's some kind of medication for it," 

"you cant get rid of me," said the other personality, you flinched and glanced at her for a second before returning your attention  back on ed, she wasn't for your attention, "i know you can hear me, and see me. no idea why you don't want to recognize me," 

"why don't you go take a shower, ill start making coffee and a small breakfast," you said, leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips, he walked off towards the bathroom, you watched as he closed the door behind him and the sound of water starting to rush behind the door. 

"what did you do last night," you asked her, pulling on eds shirt and getting up from the bed. 

"oh nothing, just got a taste of your little boy toy last night is all," she laughed, you tensed up and began to make the coffee, 

"figured, but with him or his personality," 

"his personality, you know i like him a lot more than eddie, he's forceful, more interesting to fuck, confident too, honestly i think you're lucking out," 

"i don't care, i really care about eddie, not for sex," 

"if you knew what edward did for us, if you were there at least, you'd understand the better half," 

"shut up, there is no better half. eddie is eddie. just like I'm still me but just with an annoying voice," you had raised your voice a little bit and shot the person a dirty look. you didn't know what to call her, or what not to call her, she was just a pest. you didn't want her here, you didn't understand why she was even here to begin with. 

"is everything alright?" ed asked, walking out of the bathroom, steam fogged his glasses and he had little water droplets dripping down his body. you poured him a cup of coffee and walked over to him, 

"yep everything is okay," you said with a smile, handing him his cup of coffee, he leaned over and gave you a kiss before taking a sip of his coffee. the two of you got ready and left for work. 

once arriving to the station, everyone's eyes were on you. for valid reasons of course, but you didn't want to associate with them. you just wanted to go and do your job and go back to eds. ed gave you a quick peck on your cheek before walking off to go do his own job. you started walking to the M.E room but was stopped by Bullock, 

"victor zsasz??" bullock exclaimed, you felt so belittled. now everyone knew, "i still cant get over that, and now you suddenly look like him, but like as a chick!" 


"i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree then, whats next, going to become Gothams next greatest hitman for Don Falcone?"

I felt the blood boil under my skin, "you don't know a single thing about my life or family so why don't you just butt out and focus on your real job, seeing how drunk you can get after you go off the clock," i raised my voice at the Irishmen, he looked caught off guard, suddenly you felt really small. everyone's eyes were on you, 

"excuse me, i have to g-get to work," you rushed off to the M.E office. you closed the door behind you. 

"you should listen to harvey," said the voice, ignoring it. you went on to work on the cadavers for the rest of the work day. 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now