dizzy days

781 44 2

"hello everyone, my name is victor zsasz," he said, "ive been sent here personally by Don Carmine Falcone himself on a matter of deep concern so please be respectful," you heard a slight stutter in his tone, he had everyones undivided attention, some members had their hands on their guns, some just stood there like you and had their work tucked into their chest, 

"im here for jim gordan," your eyes grew a little wide, "only him, everyone else mind your business and we're cool, so wheres jim at?" he asked looking down at one cop and then scanning the room, you watched as multiple cops turned their heads towards the captians room where jim was, 

"thank you," he said, very pleased with his message as it had clearly worked in his favor. you groaned and shook your head and walked away as the man started yelling for Jim. you were the only one moving so attention was on you now, and one of his minions saw your movements and came over and grabbed you by the arms tightly so that you didnt leave. you thrashed and tried elbowing them, but nothing worked. 

victor heard the commotion and looked back and saw you, he gave the two a look and they let go of you. you gave him a dirty look and rushed off from the scene as the sounds of victor talking to jim echoed through the hallways, growing more faint with each step away. you went into the examination room and closed and locked the door. setting your folders on the counter and taking deep breaths. 

nobody was going to know about your familarial relations with victor. nobody couldve known. but that was way too close. one wrong look and someone couldve pointed out similarities. the thoughts of getting caught for being the hitmans sister racked your brain. you gripped the edge of the counter and closed your eyes tightly. you could lose your license, your name, your everything if they found out you lied about your last name for years. 

you took another deep breath and pulled on your lab gear and pulled out the first body, now wasnt the time for a freak out over the matter. nobody knew you well enough to even make that distinction. the only three who could've would've been gordon, harvey and probably ed. but harvey was no where to be seen, gordan was wrapped up with trying to talk to victor, and well you didnt know about ed. hes smart, he might be able to make the two lines cross. 

you looked over the body for markings and took note of each wound, bump, etc.. a lot of the victims were bullet victims today meaning most of these bodies would be easy to examine. pulling out the bullet from the mans head, you examined it and labelled which bullet it was and what gun it came from on a post it note before putting it in an evidence bag. 

you kept busy for the rest of the day, trying to remain as busy as you possibly could in order to forget about your brother and the events of today. 

you labeled all of the bullets and did matches with guns as you did with the first victim. you did this mainly to make eds life easier, its dumb that medical examiners here cant rule out what weaponry was used when its so obvious, but you also had to remember that not everyone grew up around guns everyday like you did. but still, its part of the job. 

as the day progressed it was soon to be the end of your shift. you packed away the last body and took off all your gear and washed your hands and equipment used. a nice long productive day to forget about the contents of the morning. 

 before gathering all the updated files, lab reports, and a box of gathered evidence, you phone rang inside of your lab coat. you took it out and answered, you knew you shouldnt be on the phone while at work but you didnt think anyone would care, plus you door was locked,


"i need jim gordan," victors words buzzed through your phone, he sounded pissed and out of breath,

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now