keep a lookout

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you whined as the tailor pinpricked you with a sewing needle on accident, 

"don't be such a baby, lets just get this over with so that you can go back to your boyfriend and i can go back to work," complained victor, you gave him a dirty look and looked back in the mirror, 

"well excuse me but thanks to someone i now how super sensitive skin from a little acid bath i took" 

he scoffed and you rolled your eyes. you wanted to get out quickly, but you were knee-deep in a tailoring process. the tailor had you wrapped in a black leather catsuit and he was measuring every inch of your body. 

"were you thinking all leather or would you want some nylon or some other fabric on the suit?" before you could comment victor butted in, 

"make it all leather like that, but add the leather padding on the side of her thighs," 

"actually-" you gave him a dirty look, "i dont want padding, instead can we do a sheer nylon outline going up my outer thighs and up my hips, and then stop it under my waist, but can we make it like a dark green color rather than this black?" the tailor nodded and wrote down your requests, 

"why green? we use black," 

"because i like the color, and its my outfit victor," you huffed, the tailor began to help slip you out of the pinned up suit. you slipped on the clothes you came in quickly, 

'i dont even understand why i need this, i told you i dont want in with you, like how many times do i have to remind you," 

"you're not working with me, none of this means anything really unless you decide to ever join me. don Falcone is just paying for it in hopes you change your mind because he believes that you'll be the next me, and hes hoping for it whenever i decide to stop this." 

"so like this is just for the hell of it?" you asked, victor nodded and stood up, 

"but you should design it to be a hitman outfit, you never know," 

"anything else you want done on the outfit?" 

"can you add a leather holder around the thigh, and instead of it being all the way up to my neck, can you make it so that its a sweetheart neckline?" he nodded as it wrote it all down, 

"ill have this done by tomorrow then, I'm going to get started right away and ill give it to you once its finished," 

"do you need my number or anything?" you asked, helping him clean up slightly, 

"no, ill give it to victor and he can bring it to you," 

"oh, uh okay then," you said as he left the room. you looked at the time and saw it was going on 6am. you were exhausted and just wanted to go home to ed. 

"I'm glad you're deciding to do this, i think it'll be good for you," you nodded and grabbed your car keys and jacket, 

"its nothing concrete, im just getting the outfit," you muttered, "i just want to go home so ill see you later," 

"make smart decisions," you heard his voice echo after you left the mansion and drove home.

 you finally got back to eds apartment and quietly opened the door and slipped in. you peeked around the corner to see ed fast asleep in bed. you smiled and began to take off your shoes and clothes and carefully walked over to the bed, being mindful not to make any noise so that you wouldn't wake the man. 

you looked down at him, examining his messy curls and unbothered complexion. you climbed into bed and wrapped your arms around him carefully and nuzzled into him, he woke up slightly and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead, 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now