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"think about it"

the only thing that ran through your mind as you cooked away at the dinner for you and edward. why would he want you to work with him? he knew you despised his work. you hated the idea of killing, ironically. even though your entire life you're surrounded by it. 

as much as you hated the idea of joining him, you did have multiple thoughts about joining him throughout your life. you knew you would be covered and taken care of graciously by falcone and others who hire hitmen, but if you joined youd have to get your own suit, artillery, and you'd have to work with victor. 

you glanced at the clock and knew he was going to be here soon. lowering the heat on the stove, you walked over to your closet and found a simple light pink sundress. you didn't want to wear something too formal that you'd wear to work, nor something so simple. you sat down on the bed and slid light white nylons up your legs, securing the fabric over your waist. you undid your hair and combed it out.

ding dong

you got off your bed and walked over to the door and opened it, you looked up and was greeted by the sensitive tall man. he had a small bouquet of daisys in hand, your cheeks glowed a light pink that could match your dress perfectly, 

"hello ed," you said softly, moving out of the door frame and inviting him in. he smiled and handed you the flowers, 

"hello miss," he said, "i hope the flowers are alright," 

"they're beautiful, thank you very much, ill put them by the flowers from the basket" you smelled them and held them close, "I'm making pasta if that's okay," you replied, walking into the kitchen and filling a vase with water and placing the delicate flowers next to the roses and checked on the dinner. 

"that's perfect, I'm uhm, really happy you wanted to have dinner with me, " the man exclaimed, looking around the studio, you felt a little uneasy considering how fast this went, but its whatever. you had a good feeling about him, besides, its a dinner. dinner doesn't have to mean anything. you grabbed some plates and silverware and placed it on the counter and reached for the wine glasses, 

"do you drink ed?" you asked, placing the glasses on the counter, 

"ah not a lot but occasionally," he went over and grabbed the plates for you and placed them on the table as well as the silverware for you, you poured the wine and brought him his glass and smiled up at him, 

"we still have time before the pasta is cooked," you said placing your hand on his back and leading him over to the couch. you sat down with him, you sat close to him, enough to smell his freshly applied cologne. you hummed at the scent and took a sip of your wine. " so ed how long have you been with the force?" 

"quite a while actually, i love my job, but the people make it slightly insufferable," he sighed solemnly, you frowned at the look on his face. you pitied him, "i hope they've been nicer to you though," 

"well, i haven't really talked to anyone besides you and the detectives, and so far i cant complain with the three of you, especially you, but i have a few complaints about harvey" you half joked, taking another sip of wine, that seemed to amuse him, "why is everyone so mean to you?" 

"they all think I'm weird, with my riddles and everything. i just try to make light of the horrible situations we have to witness you know? maybe they just don't understand my humor," 

"i suppose that makes sense, but regardless, its not fair for everyone to be so awful," he fixed his glasses and shruged, 

"oh well, that's tomorrows problem, tonight it wont matter," he said with optimism, you raised your glass in a toast and the glasses clinked together before you two took a drink. you placed your glass down and got up and checked on the dinner. carrying the pot over you poured a healthy serving on each plate and placed the pot back on the stove. ed had walked over with your glass and placed it by your spot at the table and sat down with you. 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now