a new dawn

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the last thing you remembered was Edward and the two men staring down at you. your entire insides felt empty and slowed as the pit of acid engulfed you in its warm, burning sensation. you tried to swim upwards but the weight of the liquid held you down. 

you felt a quick embrace that was followed by a sudden movement upwards. you were brought to the air, you gasped loudly and wrapped your arms around your savior. you opened your eyes and breathed heavily and saw victor trying to drag you out of the vat now. you tried your best to work with him and get out but everything about you felt so weak and numb. 

eventually, he managed to pull you out and laid you down on the cold concrete floor. you coughed up some of the liquid, everything went black, cold, and all the weight that was on you dropped. you struggled to stay awake, 

"cmon stay with me," you heard victor say, his voice had a ting of worry but it remained his usual sinister monotone. you heard a faint giggle of a girl somewhere, you tried to look around but could barely see through your eyes. you coughed more and held your stomach, he grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you, but you had no motion of your own. you felt like a ragdoll. the acid tingled your skin, but something rooted itself deep inside your conscious. the laughing grew louder. something felt off about the laughter, it was literally someone laughing but nobody was there besides you, victor, and falcone somewhere. 

you tried opening your eyes fully but the acid seeped in, you let out a slight scream and your nerves finally came to. you covered your eyes and jolted away from zsasz, crawling away slowly but in a hurried panic. 

you heard falcone on the phone with 911 distantly, but that was the least of your worries right now. you rolled yourself onto your knees and tried to get up, still covering your eyes, now tears were rolling down, submerging themselves in the thick acidic liquid that coated you. you slipped in your own puddle of acid and fell on your hip. 

"dude just stay down," zsasz exclaimed, you heard his heavy boots thud over to you. you whimpered and tried to get up once more, "forgive me for this later, or don't," he said, you opened your eyes partially just be greeted with his fist. everything went black once his fist collided with your face. 


waking up, you felt disgusting. you felt heavy, dark, sinister even. you were blinded by bright white lights, you tried moving but you soon found out you were constricted by restraints. once your eyes grew adjusted to the light, you finally looked around. you looked at yourself and saw you were snow-white, completely pale to the pigment. even lighter than zsasz. 

it wasn't long until someone came into the room, your head snapped at the door the second you heard a sound creak from it. in came edward. a smile grew across your pale complexion as you saw him, 

"hello miss," he said, usually he sounded sheepish but he sounded somewhat confident, 

"hi eddy," you croaked, you tried moving but the restraints held you down. 

"what happened to you?" he asked as he sat down on the bed and held your hand, 

"you don't know?" he shook his head and rubbed your hand with his thumb, 

"nobody knows, we got an anonymous call, and when G.C.P.D and the paramedics came the place was empty and pitch black, that's why they have you in restraints," you gulped, and looked around, 

"remember what you said about victor? how we look alike?" he nodded and scooted closer to you on the bed, "well about that, uhm," you stammered, "we are related, him and i are siblings, the reason i was at the chemical facility was that he set up a meeting between falcone and i," 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now