break out

337 16 3

you've been talking to ed each day since your first interaction with him in arkham. you came in hating this place, and you still hate it. despise it. but youve gotten used to it, and to be fair you kind of like the attention from all the other inmates. and your relationship with ed has gotten better. 

deep down he feels bad, you think. but how could he not really, he put you in jail for no reason. just because the cops saw you two at the scene, and jim believed that you were in on everything with ed so obviously then the rest of the g.c.p.d believed it. 

and yet, here you were. laying down in your cell, staring at the ceiling and counting every cinder block for the millionth time, fun fact there were 38 cinder blocks in the ceiling. 

as you were laying there a sound at your cell door caught your attention. despite the inmates being loud in their cells, they were moved to the cafeteria which was further away from your wing, so any sound made here was extremely audible. you looked over and saw there was a piece of paper folded laying on the ground. 

you rolled over and got up off your cot and picked up the note. you sat back down and carefully unfolded the note, 

"My dearest, 

I cannot talk to you about this in person, there are too many ears around. however, I believe that hugo strange is up to something here, something that I can't put my finger on just yet but it isn't good. i wonder if you would know anything about this, considering your history of employment here. anyways, i have found that this man is stupid. him and his assistant. he has basically allowed me to manipulate him in a way where he thinks im on his side, in a sense. but this may be our ticket out of here, i am always thinking of ways for us to get out, because i have been counting down the days till we're out of this place and we can be together fully once and for all. 


all you could do is let out a sigh as you folded the paper back up, yes you knew about strange doing strange things with patients but it wasnt your place to know about what exactly it was, nor did you really care because it didnt affect you in any way. but it was nice to here from edward as always, its hard to love behind bars, but you still loved him. regardless of a different side of a personality or not. that was another thing that bothered you, getting used to the personality switch. 

its still you, and theres not much different but you have different viewpoints on a lot of things. just hard to get used to, but now you have all the time in the world right now to get used to it. 

"social time inmate," barked a guard, you shoved the note under your pillow and got up. the guard unlocked the door and entered, pulling out handcuffs from his uniform and handcuffing you. he shoved you out of your cell and down the long hallway to the social room. 

you saw edward sitting on one of the tables, he looked up and matched his gaze with you, you felt warm inside. the guard uncuffed you and put you in the room, closing the door and locking it behind you. you rubbed your wrists as you walked over to him. he outstretched his arms to you, inviting you in for an embrace. you wrapped your arms around him and clung onto him tightly, 

"did you get my letter?" he whispered faintly in your ear, you nodded and pulled away enough to be face to face with him but still in his arms. he rested his hands on your hips and looked you in your eyes. he looked exhausted, not in a tired sense, but emotionally. his eyes were dull but had a new flame inside them, not the joyous flame you once knew when you first met him, 

"have you thought of something that would work?" you asked, he nodded, 

"i have, i think it would work but i want to wait another day or two," you tensed up and dug your nails into his shoulders, 

𝐎𝐱𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐧 (Ed/Riddler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now