✦ chapter twelve

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she's so indecipherable, she holds the key to the missing code, just the thought of her touch my mind explodes, so desirable, time never will unfold❜ - riddle of the model, sing street

 ❛she's so indecipherable, she holds the key to the missing code, just the thought of her touch my mind explodes, so desirable, time never will unfold❜ - riddle of the model, sing street

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FINALLY THE DAY of knights' photoshoot arrived on an early thursday. whistles of winds went about tree foliage and tree trunks, a couple of squirrels rustled through bushes, and luminous birds singing are the blessings of this hidden gem. You were stupefied at how the forest radiated such pulchritudinous features and yet so criminally less known than other tourist spots. Considering its settled near the city, there's no blaming. This wasn't an in-game setting, which is a shame, it would've been a great background for certain themes.

Each step a crew member took, a softening crisp sound emerged from below. The grass they stepped on had been taken care of, thanks to the permission of the owners of the forest. Arashi and Leo watched with interest as several crew members set up the scene. 'L/n wants this here' and 'L/n wants that over there.' would occasionally be announced. The other members of their units are probably doing their own thing or in their tents preparing their final touches.

"Where did the producer go?" Arashi wandered her eyes everywhere she could but you never showed up. Leo took his gaze off the basil plants blossoming underneath a tree branch, similarly looking like a loose choppy barrette. "Maybe she got lost!" Leo gasped.
Arashi shook her head at that. Truth to tell, she was anxious. Anybody could see your change of mood when they arrived to the forest. Just earlier, you never exchanged any words during the ride here and Arashi knows you're not the most talkative, there still had to be something off. Maybe it was the nerves that are slowly eating you up. "Let's ask." Arashi put her hands up to the sides of her mouth, "Hirata, have you seen F/n?"

Hirata stopped walking, a clipboard in his arms. He jerked his head behind. "She went to the river." He answered with a smile before walking off. Leo and Arashi gave each other a stare, unsure if that was necessary on your part.

A sunshine ray penetrated your vision when you reached the river. Your arm went over your eyes as you stopped walking. The oak trees separated from the long stream at a distance far as though they were afraid they'd get swollen up. Thus forest looked way too familiar to the one in where your class had a field trip to. You never thought you'd start to view that purposeless forest differently when there was an improved copy right here. The eery sound off the stream, the oak trees in unsymmetrical patterns, and the basil plants are all key parts. You weren't exactly dreaded at the fact of the similarities, but the wondrous replica did repulse a nervous itch in her somewhere.

When you leaned in to take a look at her reflection, you smiled at yourself with a basic esteem. This is your humble appearance in such an animated style. If any of these people knew how you actually looked like— well you'd rather not want to think about that. Frim an unvarnished standpoint, you focused enough, and for a second you could see your face from the other world smiling back at you. You would've liked to share this enjoyment with someone else, however an unforeseen manifestation like this could arguably be a mistrust to anyone who isn't a fan.

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