Where's Iris?

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"Where's Iris", H.R Wells asked. Over there with Barry, after we saved you, he went to see her but after we check on everyone, we have the fight to win. Savitar needs to pay for what he almost did. Barry and Iris were suggesting that we go back to Star Labs to make a game plan. I agreed we all went back there to take this monster down for once and all.

As went inside Iris ran to H.R thanking him for saving his life. H.R thanked everyone for saving him and he said, "I know I'm not much of some help around here but thank you". They all laughed and said, "What you make Star Labs a home. You always have coffee and advice when needed. You don't have superpowers and you aren't a genius, but you are always there when someone needs you. Please stop thinking like Star lab is lucky to have you, we're lucky to have you". Barry walked up to him and as he gave him drums, he said", I believe these belong to you".

H.R took the drums and started drumming, he smiled and asked," What's the game plan?". Joe looking confused asks Barry and Julian, "Iris didn't die so that changes things, right?". Barry nodded his head agreeing with Joe. "For the millionth time, I'm confused about the time travel stuff we saw Savitar he didn't fade away". "It'll take a matter of time, but he'll disappear when the timeline catches up with him", Barry said. "How long would that take?", Joe asked. "A few hours maybe even sooner", Julian said. "He can do a lot of damage in a few hours", Joe said.

"Well, the only thing we know is that he needs the bazooka, Caitlin, and Cisco to accomplish his plans. He wants to be a god, so we need to stop before he gets there", Barry said. Iris took Barry to the other room, and they talked. Barry wanted to try to talk to Savitar he thought maybe if he could get through to him Savitar would surrender. Barry left to go talk to him. Barry went to an abandoned warehouse and Savitar followed him there.

Barry started talking to him, but Savitar was still planning on becoming a god. "We'll see which one gets erased Savitar said". Barry took one step toward him and asked him to come back to Star Labs so we can help him. Savitar asked him why he said" Look Barry If I wanted to talk to myself, I would look in the mirror what do you want", he asked Barry. "I want to help you", Barry said. Savitar laughed and said, "What makes you think I would trust you?', he said to Barry. "No, I want to help but you maybe be broken but you're still me. Under all that pain I'm still there and you know that I care and would do anything to help you", Barry said. Barry left with Savitar standing there.

A few moments later Barry came back to Star Labs and Savitar shortly after. I stood by H.R as soon as I saw that monster. Everyone gave him looks and Barry protected the cold-blooded killer. Savitar approached Harry and apologized for almost killing him. "I'm not H.R", he said. Iris went to him and started talking to him. Wally told her to back up. Savitar looked at everyone and asked Barry how they would help him. They looked at me to say something, I looked at Savitar and said, "Over my dead body you deserve to be erased". Iris and Barry continued to talk to the monster after I walked away with H.R. I loved how Barry was so passionate to help others but that's not me. I wouldn't dare help a killer. Savitar was going to get to his and I wasn't about to stop it either.

Savitar looked at Barry and Iris and asked them why they would try to help him after he tried to kill Iris and H.R. Iris looked at him and said," You're going to have live with and Tracy will help us we just have to get through to her". As soon as I heard my name I walked into the room. "You want me to help save the demon I spent weeks trying to stop. No, I won't do it he deserves to die", I said. Savitar said I couldn't have come here". "No, you shouldn't have karma coming for you and you'll get what you deserve", I said. The ground started shaking as soon as Savitar left. I almost fell to the ground but H.R caught me. When Harry fell so did his watch and there was smoke. Two people appeared I grabbed my gun and pointed it at their shadows. Two men with heavy armor approached Harry and asked," We got the message what's wrong". We all looked at them, but we got distracted and the Star labs collapsed. We all thought we were going to die but then Loki somehow teleported all of us outside.

Harry got up and said, "I didn't call you but since you're here we could use your help". I was so confused but had so many questions. "Who are you?'', I asked. "I'm Thor and that menace is my brother Loki. We're getting along today so we're both here", he said. "I know where he is going to be so we can fill you in on the way"

When we got their Cisco and Gyspy were there hanging from the tree. Killer Frost and Savitar were opening a portal. Barry yelled his name and said, "I'm going to stop you". Barry ran towards Savitar, but Killer Frost shot him with her icy blasts. Iris looked at everyone and said, "Okay everyone we have to give it our all", she said. Iris passed out guns and Harry filled Loki and Thor in. The final war starts now. I told H.R if we get out here alive, I'm going to marry you. Although I don't know if this life was for me, I can't handle the possibility of losing him every day. 

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