wedding night

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The team went to Barry's loft to celebrate their win.
They sat on the couch until they saw Tracy...

Tracy got on one knee and said we just met but it feels like we've known each other our whole lives. Tracy took a gift box out of her pocket and she opened it. This was my father's watch and I want you to have it. I want to spend every second with you, after almost losing you I don't want to waste any time I have with you. Will you marry me? She asked H.R. He held his arm out as she put the watch on his arm. He said yes and kissed her. Team Flash and Thor clapped for them. "We're so happy for you", Team Flash yelled.

Thor pulled Harrison Wells to the side and said, "After this, I'm leaving". "So soon ?", Harrison Wells
"I've been here for a few days but I'll have to return to my kingdom at once", Thor said. "I'm going to miss you", Harrison said throwing a cup. Cisco laughed and said, "That's his way of showing his emotions.

"Why don't we have the wedding right here right now ", Tracy said. "Is that okay with you ?", she asked Barry and Iris. "Of course", they said to Tracy. Barry using his super speed went to the store. When he came back he had flowers, an arch, and a cake. He made room in their loft for the green abs white arch. Barry ripped the petals off the flowers, he used the petals to make a pathway for the arch. He put the cake on the living room table. "I'm sorry it's short notice but that's all I can do ", Barry said. "Are you kidding me, of course, you can". " Wait BA what if we have the wedding at Jitters it's the first place we met?", H.R Wells asked Tracy. Tracy's face lit up and said, " That's an amazing idea let's do it". Barry ran all the decorations over to Jitters and Wally helped. Wally and Barry made Jitters look so nice. They put white and red rose petals on the floor. There was a red carpet for the walking aisle. Barry put the chairs in a wedding seating format. The tables were stacked on each other in the corner. Barry and Wally made an arch spelling Tracy and H.R Wells. "I think it looks good", Wally said to Barry. "I agree so let's bring them here", Barry said as they ran back to the loft. Cisco grabbed Gypsy, H.R Wells, and Harrison Wells and brought them to Jitters. Barry brought Tracy, Iris, and Joe. Wally grabbed the rest but Thor got there on his own. Thor said that he was god and that he didn't need help getting to a coffee shop.

"I guess this might be the first wedding where we don't wear a gown or a tux", H.R Wells said.

"Nope, I got you covered Barry said as he handed H.R. a black tux". "Thank you for the tux B.A", H.R Wells said. "And I got you covered Iris said as she gave Tracy a wedding gown. I know it's not much because it was pretty last minute but this was the only thing I could get. Tracy hugged Iris and said, "Thank you so much for this. Will you be my maid of honor", she asked Iris. "of course I would feel so honored, Iris said. H.R Wells and Tracy both got dressed and H.R Wells asked Cisco to marry them.

Tracy and H.R. Wells stood in front of everyone as they were about to marry each other. Cisco stood up there about to marry them. Iris stood on Tracy's left side. Barry and Wally stood on H.R.'s right. As Cisco was about to begin the ceremony the power went out. "I have an idea let's mix our energy", Barry said looking at Wally and Thor. Thor took his hammer and Barry and Wally ran around to create energy. It was a ball of energy that lit up the whole room. "Cool", Barry said as he fist-bumped Thor and Wally. "Dude I could've used my vibe blasts to light up the room but that was way cooler", Cisco said.

"Ok everyone take a seat", Cisco said.

Everyone sat down on the chairs looking at H.R and Tracy.

"We are gathered here today to witness H.R. Wells and Tracy Brand join in holy matrimony. That's what I'm supposed to say, right? I have something in common with you guys, this is my first wedding too!", Cisco said.

See, most officiants meet with the couple once or twice before the ceremony and then see them the day of the wedding, and then Wham, bam thank you, couple!  they take off for their next wedding gig. Well, not me I've known H.R. ever since we had to save him from Gypsy", Cisco said. Gypsy laughs as Cisco continues.

Harrison Wells was leaving and he wanted us to have a Harrison

Wells to the team and so we got H.R. Even though he lied he's pretty amazing. He doesn't have superspeed or he doesn't have the intelligence that Harrison Wells has but he's there when you need them. If you need something he's there. He can make a mean latte and he can make anyone smile.

We've known Tracy for a month or two, she helped us build the Speedforce Bazooka. Tracy has a brilliant mind and we were so lucky to have her help.

So, it's my great honor to officially begin the wedding of my two good friends; Tracy and H.R.

H.R Wells, please repeat after me

"You are my friend, my partner in crime, my first mate, my love, my lover, my everything. I promise to love you, honor you, help you, have fun with you, and share the rest of my life with you and only you until the end of my days", Cisco asked H.R. to repeat.

"Tracy, you are my friend, my partner in crime, my first mate, my love, my lover, my everything. I promise to love you, honor you, help you, have fun with you, and share the rest of my life with you and only you until the end of my days", H.R. said to Tracy as he looked into her eyes.

"Tracy can you repeat that as well", Cisco said.

H.R. you are my friend, my partner in crime, my first mate, my love, my lover, my everything. I promise to love you, honor you, help you, have fun with you, and share the rest of my life with you and only you until the end of my days", Tracy said as she smiled at H.R.

"Okay let's bring those rings out!", Cisco said.

Gyspy breached the rings to Cisco.

"Thanks, Gypsy", Cisco said to her.

H.R. and Tracy put the rings on each other and they kissed each other. Everyone from Team Flash clapped. This was such a win and everyone was happy for the newly married couple. Thor went back to his world saying goodbye. Team Flash had such a good night, Tracy and H.R didn't know if they were going to leave or stay. They just wanted to enjoy their night.

sorry it's been forever life has been crazy but I'm back to finish this story ❤️

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