What a night !

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Savitar retuned back to his lair to see Cisco still working on the God bazooka. Did you finish the job, Killer frost asked Savitar. Yes I did , it was a waste of my time so I got rid of them. Cisco put down the God bazooka and he looked at Cisco. What did you do , Cisco asked. I got a rid of a problem he said to Cisco.

Is it ready Killer Frost asked Cisco.
As he gave it to her he said yes.
He's going to turn on you one day.
Wake up, Cisco said to Killer Frost.
She laughed in his face.
Finish him, Savitar said.

Killer Frost positioned her hands so she could shoot Cisco with her icy blasts. Gispy opened a breach, she jumped in grabbed Cisco and then she opened the breach to Barry's loft. She dropped Cisco on the floor by the stairs. Ow, Cisco said. Well I just saved your ass, she smirked. No you didn't, I was doing perfectly fine. I didn't need saving, Cisco said.
She was about to blast your ass, Gypsy said. I was getting through to her, he said.  Wait how did you find me, Cisco asked Gispy. I felt it across the multiverse jackass, she said. Hey guys, Barry said.

Cisco ran to Barry and hugged him. Omg H.R you're alive. Who's the guy with the hammer, Cisco asked.
Thor walked up to Cisco and said I'm Thor. Cisco looking amazed said I'm Vibe. Yes I know I have heard many great things about you, Thor said.  Thor shook Ciscos's hand.

I love the chit chat but we have bigger problems Iris said. I know what he's up to, Cisco said. Harrison caught me up on everything so I'm ready to fight, Thor said. Barry put his suit on and he said let's go. Are we all going, Wally asked. Hell yeah everyone get ready, Iris said.

I'll drive the van H.R said.
Who's riding with me he asked.
Tracy, Harrison Wells, Joe and Iris said that they would ride with him. Barry and Wally ran there.
Gispy and Cisco breached there and Thor flew.
Wait you use your hammer to fly? Cisco asked
As Barry was running he said Cisco this is not the time or place for that.

Savitar ran in circles to open up a portal to the speed force.  This is why I brought you here the speed force doesn't like it when speedsters mess with time. She doesn't like cold, so when she comes out blast her. Killer Frost positioned her hands and she shot icy blasts at the speed force. The speed force got knocked out by Killer Frost's icy blasts. Killer Frost picked up the god bazooka and she blasted Savitar. Jay Garrick ran out of that portal, how did you - Savitar asked. He didn't I did, Cisco said. Killer Frost come on, Savitar said. Killer Frost ran after Gispy and Cisco. Savitar ran after Barry. I only have a few minutes I can feel it but before I go. If I die then everyone you love will die too. Thor landed right in the center of Barry and Savitar. I would love to see you try, Thor said. Thor threw his hammer at Savitar. The hammer made Savitar fall into a tree. Savitar got up and he said that's all you got little one.
Who are you calling little one, Thor screamed.
His eyes lit up like lighting and he raised his in the air, he borrowed lighting from the sky and struck Savitar. Thor my turn, Barry said.

Barry phased through Savitar's suit and he broke it into pieces. Savitar laughed and said you kill me you become me. Thor picked Savitar up and told him you would never be a god. Thor spinned Savitar and then he threw him in the air. Savitar fell down and everyone thought he got knocked out. Thor went to go help Gispy and Cisco leaving Barry alone.

Savitar ran after Barry while his back was turned.
Tracy saw him and tapped Iris. Tracy have Iris gun and they both ran after him. Both Iris and Tracy shot him at the same time, Savitar fell on the ground. Barry ran to Iris and Tracy. Are you both okay ? He asked. I couldn't let him try to take someone else, Tracy said. I'm okay Barry, Iris said. Barry hugged the both of them.

Iris looked at Barry and said you spend all those months trying to protect me and we just protected you. Barry smiled at Iris and said you're my lighting rod. She smiled and kissed him.

Killer Frost positioned her hands to shoot icy boats but Thor struck her with lighting. She fell into the tree. Her hair color changed from white to brown. Her blue lips changed back to Caitlin's normal pink lips. Her blue eyes changed to green. Caitlin got up and I'm sorry guys. Cisco ran to hug her, I don't care what you did. Im glad your back, he said. Iris, Joe, Tracy,Julian, Wally, H.R, Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick and Barry all gave her a hug at the same time. Thank you Thor, Cisco said. Anytime it's my pleasure, Thor said.

The speed force Barry said as he ran to her side. Nora are you okay? , Barry asked the speed force.
She's cold as ice, Barry said as held her in his arms.
I think I can help Cisco said as he walked towards Barry and Nora. Cisco positioned his hands and he shot vibe blasts at Nora. Gypsy give me a hand, Cisco said. Gypsy walked over there by Cisco. She positioned her hands and she shot vibe blasts at Nora too. The ice shattered, Nora started to phase, to get the rest of the ice off of her too. Nora said Thank you.

Where's Savitar ? Nora asked
Barry said over there as he pointed.
Nora snapped her fingers and he disappeared.
Savitar shattered into blue pieces like glass.

Can we get coffee ? H.R Wells asked.
I can make enough for everyone, tonight was a rough one. Everyone agreed. Harrison Wells asked Thor if he could stay a little longer. I don't see why not, Thor said. Everyone went back to Star Labs.

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