Nora stop!

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Everyone went back to Star Labs but it still needed to be repaired. The windows were broken and the computers on the floor were cracked. I guess we can go back to our Loft, Barry said. Before they left Star Labs the floors and walls started to shake. Tracy put her arm around H.R. Why is the floor shaking like that? Iris asked. Cisco said, I don't know our systems are down, so I can't tell what it is. That doesn't feel like an earthquake, Jay Garrick said. Central City doesn't get Earthquakes, Wally said. Everyone followed Iris and Barry outside. Iris holding onto Barry, she said that's no Earthquake".

As the team ran outside, speed force Nora stood there with lighting in her eyes. Nora had an angry look on her face. Barry said, " Please don't do this".

"What choice do I have ", Nora yelled. She rubbed her hands together to make electricity. Thor took his hammer and threw it at her. The hammer hit Nora smashing her into a building. "You're no match for the god of thunder", Thor said to Nora. Thor looked to Barry and said, "let's do this". Team Flash stood in a straight line getting ready to take Nora on. Nora snapped her hands directly at Iris. Red, blue, and yellow electricity surrounded Iris.

Nora put Iris in a lighting trap. Barry ran to her and Iris looked at Barry and said, " Barry go after her I'll be okay". "Are you sure?", Barry asked. Iris looked him in the eye and said " Barry run for me". As she said that Barry ran to Nora. "What did you do to Iris ", he yelled. Nora laughing said, " she's in a lighting trap, you haven't learned that yet she smirked. Nora pointed her fingers at Joe and Barry ran directly into Nora. It knocked off her feet and once she got up, she said, " Oh my sweet boy, you do that again and I'll make sure Iris stays in that lightning trap. She smiled at him. Thor raised his hammer to the sky to get more electricity and he aimed it at Nora. While he did that Killer Frost shot Nora with her icy blasts. Freezing her body but not her head.

Barry walked up to her and said, " Nora you don't have to do this. This isn't the way Nora". She looked at Barry with rage. "You did this Barry not me", Nora said. "Nora you aren't thinking straight I'm not the enemy here. We don't want to hurt you we just want to talk to you", Barry said. "You froze half of my body and your electricity holding me but you don't want to hurt me", Nora said as she laughed. "We don't want to hurt you anymore Nora", Barry said. "You stabbed me in my back and there is no forgiving for that", Nora said. "What are you talking about?", Barry asked. " You stupid boy you saved the enemy". Barry looked confused and then he looked at Iris. "Wait hold on Nora Iris isn't the enemy".

"You stupid boy", Nora said.

The ice shattered as she phased through it.

Nora consumed the electricity that Thor was using her. "Barry wants to see a new trick", Nora asked Barry. She threw a lightning bolt at Iris. The lightning bolt wrapped around Iris's neck and it kept getting tighter. Iris holding her neck said weakly, " Barry help me". "Nora please don't do this", Barry said.

"Now it's your turn", Nora said to Killer Frost.

Turning to Killer Frost she snapped her fingers and Nora put a lighting choke on her too. It was a lightning bolt around her neck choking her. Killer Frost held her neck she started to cough and then she turned back into Caitlin. "How mysterious is this", Nora said.

"Guys how do I fix this?", Barry asked Team Flash. Caitlin closed her eyes and she said please come back out. Caitlin's golden-brown hair turned white. Her warm lips turned cold and blue. Killer Frost was back and Caitlin was sleeping.

"Killer Frost freeze the electricity it will stop it from choking you and Iris.", Tracy said. Killer Frost closed her eyes and she put her hands on the electricity to freeze it but it only made things worse. The hold only got stronger; Killer Frost could barely breathe. "It didn't work", Killer Frost said weakly.

"I'm getting tired I think I'll just end you all", Nora said. "What do you want", Barry asked. "Me", Killer Frost said. "Why would she want you?", Cisco asked. "I tried to kill her when I working with Savitar", Killer Frost said. Barry turned to Nora and asked Nora, "Why to attack Iris?". "Since you saved the enemy, I will take everyone you love", Nora said. "I'm growing tired of your games", Thor said.
He threw his hammer and it knocked Nora off her feet. She didn't get back up this time.

"Water can put it out", H.R Wells said.
"Are you crazy lighting beats ice that's why the ice didn't work. Ice is just frozen water and water might make it even worse", Cisco said. "I have an idea Jay, Barry and Wally, I want you to rotate your arms in tight circles creating twins' vacuums. That should put the electricity out. Jay, Wally and Barry both create twin vacuums and they break the electricity hold on Killer Frost. The hold broke and Killer Frost used her powers to keep her balance. "That was so cool", Wally said. "Now let's do this Iris", Barry said. Wally, Jay and Barry did the same thing for Iris. The hold on her neck as well. Iris lost her balance but Barry caught her in time. "I hate to ruin the moment but she's getting back up", Thor said.

"My turn", Iris said.
Iris walked up to Nora and said, " We don't kill Nora and more importantly Killer Frost wasn't herself, doesn't she deserve another chance?". Nora's lighting disappeared from her eyes and body. She cleared her throat and said fine. Nora hugged her, Iris in shock hugged her back. "I'm sorry Iris", Nora said. Iris looked at her and said, "don't worry about it".

Nora looked at Thor and said, " on three.
Nora and Thor used lighting to stop the earthquake.
Nora snapped her fingers and the building and Star Labs were fixed. Barry tapped Nora and said, "Thank you". Im sorry for the mess I created I just felt betrayed, Nora said.
That was never our intention Nora this team is like a family and family sticks together no matter what", Barry said.
Your family to us too Nora, Iris said.
Nora hugged the both of them and then she snapped ger fingers and she disappeared.
Killer Frost transformed back into Caitlinn.

The next time on saving H.R Wells
Yes I'll, said H.R Wells said.
Its time, Thor said.
Youre no match for an Asgardian, we know, Team Flash laughed.
I have to get back to Asgard, Thor said.
I'll make sure nothing goes wrong today. I mean what can go wrong you have three speedsters, an ice queen, and a lighting god, H.R Wells said.
Cisco will you do the honors, H.R Wells said.

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