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It had been a few weeks since your arrival and you had a few visits from kakashi already and honestly this new life style wasn't so bad. The so called 'bodyguard' Job was not so as you thought it would be. It was more of you following Gaara around for the day and keeping an eye on him. Although who were you to complain having an easy job like that.You and temari had also become close friends since your arrival you felt as if she were a family member already and enjoyed her company a lot. But for kankuro... let's just say he non stop hits on you. Although it annoyed you to god no end, you liked the fact that maybe there was a chance of love in this new world you had been taken to.

Right now you are reading (favourite book or any book) in your apartment. Your 'bodyguarding' shift had ended and you were extremely bored. Gaara was at his apartment doing the rest of his paper works and since he was next door he let you go home. You decided to go and find temari but as you were getting ready you heard a knock at the door.

"Huh o-oh I'm coming!" You shouted slipping your shoe on. As you opened the door you looked up to see the red head starring at you.

"Oh Gaara it's you! what's brought you here?" You asked

He stayed silent before mumbling something.

" what was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you" you say

"I was wondering if you wanted to eat dinner with me.." he said with his still plain face.

You blushed. You see since your arrival you and Gaara hadn't spoke as much as you would have liked to. But some how you still managed to have a slight crush on him. His plain and composed face never failed to look handsome in your eyes. And as for his voice.. you just couldn't get enough of it. And of course temari had noticed and teased you to no end constantly. But she was happy that her little brother may find true love.

"Y-yes i'd love to! But what's the special occasion?" You asked thinking it was a bit random for him to ask you this.

"There is none. I was taught by someone that I should cherish the ones I care about" realising what he said and began to blush slightly and tried to hide his embarrassment.

You were stunned and words wouldn't come out of your mouth.

"Sorry that's not what I meant. I meant as in my friends" he said and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding

" I get it Gaara I feel the same. Let's go eat" you said smiling and shutting your door behind you and locked it.

Once you both arrived at his doorstep he opened the door and held it open for you which you bowed slightly as a thank you for.

Once you got inside you noticed how small his house actually was. It was practically the same as your own.

"I would have thought the kazekage would have a house much bigger than this?" You asked as you turned back as Gaara was closing the door.

"I don't feel the need to have a big house. This is good enough and has everything that I need so why should I have a big house?" He said and you nodded and respected the fact that he didn't abuse his wealth.

"I understand that. Plus a smaller house is allways more cosy!" You said smiling and taking your shoes of.

He nodded and lead you to the dinning room where there was a table set out with food. It was almost like a buffet. You drooled at the sight in front of you seeing as you hadn't had time to eat since the morning.

Gaara pulled a seat out and motioned you towards it for you to sit on. You smiled and tried to hide the blush on your cheeks as you sat down. You thanked him and he sat down at the other side of the table.

The rest of the night was spent chatting about aspects of theirs life's. Well make up aspects of your life. You didn't think it would be ok to tell anyone that fact that you were not from this world at all. People could think you were crazy and you didn't want that, especially now you had made great friends . But anyhow after the dinner, Gaara had walked you to your door and as soon as the door shut you ran onto your bed and didn't wake up until the morning after....

Loving you~ Gaara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now