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You sat there dumbfounded by the word that had just came out your one and only loves mouth. Should you feel happy or confused right now? What if he's joking?

"Gaara... are you being serious??" You asked still nervous for the answer.

He nodded and took a breath before taking again.

"Y/n.. I'm going to tell you the truth..." he paused and looked at his lap taking a deep breath. 'This is the only way... I can't not tell her why I need her to marry me...'

"Y/n the elders of the village have demanded that I find a wife.. a wife that would help me to rule over the sand village.. but of course they wouldn't let me pick my wife however they seemed to think you would be the perfect choice.. However this was perfect for me as I said before I have never felt so much emotion for a person in my entire life.. so I'll ask you again y/n.. will you marry me?"

You couldn't bring words to your mouth and instead just stared unsure of what to do next..

"Gaara... are you sure you really love me?" You asked

He didn't respond and instead put a hand under your chin brining your face closer. You blushed. You could feel his breath on your mouth. He traced your lips with his finger before he closed the gap.. His lips crashed onto yours passionately. You closed your eyes as tears of joy escaped your eyes. He slowly pulling away with his hands this on your cheeks and his forehead on your own.

"Does this make you understand how sure I am?" He asked and smiled.

You nodded and kissed him again before you pulled him into an intimate hug....

"I will marry you Gaara.. as long as you'll have me. I love you so much."

Tears fell down your cheeks and onto Gaaras shirt. He pulled away from the hug and you held out your hand where he placed the ring on your finger.

You smiled and kissed him again....

The rest of the date was spent staring at the night stars with your soon-to-be husband...


It was late and you both began to walk to your houses hand in hand. Finally you had arrived in front of your house and let go of his hand and instead instead rapped your arms around his neck.

"I love you.." he whispered into your ear as he placed his own arms around your waist, holding you close.

"I love you more my soon-to-be husband" you smiled and kiss him softly before pulling away and walking towards your front door.

You turned around and blew him a kiss 💋
"Goodnight fiancé"

"Goodnight darling." He replied smiling

You entered your house and saw an unexpected guest.


She ran up to you hugging you when she saw the ring placed on you finger..

"WHATS THIS!" She exclaimed

"YOU AGREED TO MARRY HIM?!?!?!" She said not giving you time to reply. You saw a tear slowly begin to escape her own eye.

"TEMARI! Is that a tear I see!!!" You said pointing it out and chuckling at her state.

He rubbed her eyes violently before looking at you again. "n-no I don't know what your talking about!"

You laughed again and pulled her into another hug.

"Well I guess this means your my sister in law soon!" You said excitedly

"Oh my YES it does. I can't wait! When's the wedding??" She asked

"I don't even know he never said..." you replied

She sighed "wow I can't believe him. But just know i am so happy for you both. Also if I'm not the maid of honour I won't be attending." She said crossing her arms and Turing away from you sillily.

You laughed and replied "of course you can who else would fill that role other than you idiot!"

You both laughed and gave each toe he one last hug before Temari left for her own house.

'Wow im going to be married......'

Loving you~ Gaara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now