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I opened my eyes and everything was white. Where am i? I thought as a black figure began to walk towards me.

They walked with a slight limp. As it got closer my eyes widened in shock. They came infront of me.

"Long time no see y/n." It was the old man that sent me here!

"Y-you!" I said pointing to him and backing up

He just smiled at me though "W-why did you send me here?!"

He just stared at me smiling for a minute before looking to the ground

"Because I have an important mission for you here and since you wished to be apart of another universe I thought this would be a perfect match" I gasped. I knew he was the one who sent me here! I shock my head

"An important mission..?" I asked confused

He nodded "I cannot tell you about it though"

"EHHHHHH?! How am I supposed to complete it then?!"

"How you complete it will depend on you and the time will come when you will need to make a decision" he said

A decision? " What do you mean by decision?" I asked

"Only time will tell" he replied

I sweat dropped. So I just have to wait until then?!

"Who are you anyway? Some kind of god?" I asked. I had every right to know who he was since he was the one who got me here!

"Maybe. Maybe not" he said

Ehhhhhh! Was kinda of answer was that!

I sighed. "Well our times up. But next time I come will be after your descion" he said and smiled before everything went black.

I shot out off the covers sitting up. The curtains had light seeping through them. I yawned and got up to get ready for the day.

After I got ready I Went to make myself some pancakes. (If you can't make pancakes irl just pretend you can now 😂) and I was half way through putting the mixture on the pan when there was a knock at the door.

Opening it I saw a pink haired girl. "Oh Sakura what beings you here?" I asked confused. It was only 9:30am.

"Master tsunade told me to gather you and naruto to her office" she said smiling

"O-oh well I was just about to make pancakes so get naruto and you two can join me" I said smiling. She nodded happily

Then about 2 minutes later she came back with a yawning Naruto. "Morning" I said smiling and taking off my apron.

"Morning. And thank you for making us pancakes!" He said returning the smile and Sakura nodded in agreement

"Your welcome!" I said and put the pancakes onto the plates. Then I put the plates on the table.

"Please take a seat!" I said smiling. And they both did

I watched as Naruto picked a piece of the pancake up and swallow it. But I sweat dropped when they was practically love hearts in his eyes.

"Wow y/n-chan these are the best pancakes I've ever had!" He said digging in for more. But soon enough he was asking for seconds which just made me smile like an idiot

Loving you~ Gaara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now