Favrouite Brother

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Phoebe Knocked on the door or Bam's house,Her brother ,They haven't seen each other since Phoebe was at least 19, She could hear faint music from the house thought She wasn't heard,She knocked again,This time Bam opened the door and immediately flung his arms around her "Phoebe!Ive missed you so much!I'm glad your here" Bam said ,pulling Phoebe inside with a warm welcoming smile ,

The first thing she was met with was a bunch on dudes she didn't know ,she knew Ryan and Chris,as she waved at them as they ran up to her and gave her a big bear hug nearly squishing her "hey party boy,hi Ryan!" Phoebe said smiling! Some of they guys turned around confused on why a girl was here but bam cleared it up "guys this is my sister Phoebe remember?Shes gonna be joining us on the set, she's a bit nervous so be nice" bam swung his arm around Phoebe and pulled her close to his shoulder, Phoebe slightly covered her face as everyone was looking at her and Bam semi embrassed her- Phoebe noticed 2 men kept their eyes on her longer than everyone else,Knoxville and Steve-o.
.....She didn't know who they were but was curious,

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