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I rushed up the stairs nearly tripping on the steps I bust into my room and he was sat on the ground reading my diary but before he could read anymore I snatched it from
his hands and stared at him angrily.
"calm down,calm down je-"
I kicked him in the nuts making him collapse "bitch.don't ever ready my diary" I said with my hands in fists,trying to fight the urge not to hit him again as he was in a vulnerable state.
"ugh...that was so uncalled for..."he groaned his teeth gritted and his jaw clenched he shut his eyes in pain "not it wasn't you read my fucking diary!" I said, anger radiating off me,I tried to calm down I sat on the bed and out my hands into my head  when I felt a. hand on my shoulder ,I immediately slapped him away but he kneeled in front of me "you know all my secrets now don't you."I  snapped.He backed away a bit."I won't tell anyone any of them"he said slightly laughing "why are you laughing it's not funny Johnny." I snapped back ,he went silent. "I didn't even read it Phoebe" he said quietly "I just looked at the drawings on the first page" he mumbled ."your such a dickhead" I said crossing my arms and looking away "Bam will kill you if he hears about this" I said wiping blood from the cut on my head "I hate you" I muttered avoiding eye contact,he made me nearly have a heart attack ,I have too many secrets in there for him to know.

"I'm telling bam you do know that,I wanna see him beat the shit out of you" I said barely a whisper ,I took this time to admire him as he wasn't facing me,he jaw was chiselled perfectly and his nose was perfect too,his eyes were swirly and a  beautiful deep shade of brown and his hair was spiky and brown but it was messy ,he was pretty tall and slim but dam ,he was quite attractive
"Don't  tell bam please   Last time he beat me up I blacked out" he pleaded,it was funny
"mmm,fine" I said giving up,I leaned back put my hand over his head grabbing his glasses again "hey give those back!"He said getting up
"Why do you like them so much?" He asked walking closer to me
"it's not the glasses I like" I said "I like your eyes" whispering with a wink 
"your eyes" I said trying not to laugh when he went pink
Bam and Ryan entered the room and waved at us confused
"Phoebe hit him in the dick!" Bam said ,I ignored him but I was gonna have some fun out of this opportunity
he walked towards me trying to get the glasses from me until he was really close,his hands on my hips to stop me moving ,he raised an eyebrow at my failed attempt of getting free and Ryan and bam started making sounds 'oooo' to Johnny due to where his hands were,bam was secretly recording this,I took this as my time to strike and pulled my signature move,I twisted us around so he was against the door , his body made a small thud sound as I grabbed his hand holding it up to the door so he couldn't move,I was still wearing his glasses so he couldn't really grab them as he couldn't move his arms,I was really close to him my waist was touching his and he started taking deeper breaths as he looked away covering his face,I dropped his hand
"something wrong Johnny?" I said playfully as I put my hand on his chest ,bam and Ryan knew exactly what I was doing and found this very amusing ,
"uh,can I have my glasses" he said stuttering ,he was bright red,I giggled
"let me think about it..nope,I quite enjoy it here" I said smirking I knew exactly what I was doing to him and so did he ,I moved the glasses up so they rested on my head before putting my hand on his cheek ,he was red hot he looked really embrassed too,
"oi, Knoxville your bright red" Ryan called out
"shut up!" He said ,I moved my hand and messed up his hair before giving him his glasses back ,I moved away from him "happy now?" I said still smirking at looking at Ryan and bam who were bright red and making wheezing sounds from trying not to laugh Johnny looked at them "fuck you guys"  he said
Bam's jaw dropped and he raced after Johnny and he began to run from bam,soon out of sight
"what just happened?" I asked Ryan
"next time be careful with your hands ,somebody had morning wood" Ryan said winking
"eww!" I said as I threw my hands up trying to be as dramatic as possible
"God,wait until you hear about today's stunt" Ryan said laughing
"Johnny will kill himself no joke." Ryan laughed looking at me
"it's the slip n slide,it's just a massive slip n slide laced up with oils and lube so we can go down faster and you are participating" Ryan said elbowing me
"At least  I can put my bikini to use I guess,it hot outside" I said shrugging  
"go put your bikini on then I wanna see!I get vip treatment" Ryan said smugly doing a pretend hair flip
"I'm your dreams you'll have to wait." I mocked him by doing a hair flip and elbowing him in the side...

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