Prank wars are on.

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I was woke up to a flush of ice water going all over me,and all the lads laughing hysterically
I shot up shaking from the cold and pulled the dovet around me as my shirt was white and would go see threw
"what the fuck?!?who's idea was this???" I said angrily ,my teeth chattering
"Knoxville's" bam said dying of laughter I got up and kicked him in the nuts leaving bam on the ground again rolling in pain "Your next Knoxville!" I said running after him as he starting running away
I chased him downstairs and tackled him and immediately kicked him In the crotch with my knee before getting up and stealing his jacket to wrap myself in from the cold."payback,and no your not getting the jacket back" I said putting it on and going back to room mad

the guys all left my room and I went to have a warm shower...again.I quickly showered to warm myself up and I came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped round me ,and I was greeted with Johnny sat in my bed
"maybe knock first?why are you in here" I said holding on right to my towel so I don't flash him
"I want my jacket back-" before he could say anything I cut him off "nope."
"whyyy?" He said giving me puppy eyes "because I said so,and you dunked cold water on me!" I snapped
"can I atleast have my hug from yesterday?" He asked hopeful
"hmmm,let me thing about" I said walking into the closet to pick out some clothes before so hands gripped around my waist and spun me round
"where's my jacket?" He said "somewhere,and keep your hands to yourself Knoxville" I said slightly annoyed
"okay okay,"he said lifting his hands up and stepping back rolling his eyes
"now can I get changed In peace?"I said before shutting the closet door and locking it to get changed

I put on knee high black socks ,a black sports bra with a meshy black see through top with stars on tucked into my ripped denim shorts with my dusty green converse,I put on mascara and lipgloss and brushed my hair out before stepping out ,Johnny still lay on my bed,not to mention I was wearing the jacket I stole from him "why are you still here?" I said plopping down on my chair crossing my legs
"I want my jacket that's why" he said looking me square in the eyes
"your not getting it"I said proudly  but before I knew it I was against a wall my hands behind held up by his and he took the jacket from me
"Oh yes I will." He said still not letting go of me
"I will kick you I'm the nuts if you don't let go " I said trying to intimidate him but he just picked me up and took me downstairs while I was flailing around "PUT ME DOWN YIU BASTARD"I said kicking and punching at him but it didn't phase him at all he put me down on the couch with the rest of the guys as they laughed at me struggling before I crossed my arms and sat as far away from as possible

"Right the plan for today.Knoxville your gonna dress up as an old man and go in public and start acting weird,we will stay in the van" said Jeff pointing at us all we all nodded and got in the van , I was sat next to Steve-o and Dave
Steve-o leaned towards my ear and whispered "look who's staring at you" he whispered in my ear trying not to laugh .Knoxville,of course it was ,I simply rolled my eyes and by the time I finished speaking with Steve-o and Dave we arrived,Jeff said he wanted to speak to me  and I walked off with him

"right,I want you to hmm,prank Johnny,While he's dressed up as an old man you'll be dressed as an old lady and walk up to him we will have you wear an earpiece so you can hear us right?" I nodded,this was gonna be the best payback ever!!

when we were all set up and Johnny was sat on a bench dressed up as Irwin ,I walked over dressed and had makeup as an old lady by the name of 'Lindsay' I sat next to him
"why hello there dear ,your handsome" I said trying not to blow my cover
"thank you uhm" Johnny replied looking awkward and confused "you are quite bold, but oh so cute" I said putting my hand on his chest,at this point even I was freaked out  by how good my acting was "Phoebe move closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder" Jeff said through my earpiece,I did exactly that and he tried to shuffle away "ma'am-" he said "shh pumpkin stay with me" I said in an old voice,my voice cracking a bit because of me trying so hard not to laugh."your eyes are gorgeous wow" I said ,but Johnny cracked and said "I have to go sorry.." before walking back into the van

Johnny's View:
Phoebe is not sneaky at all,I saw the earpiece too,I was walking back to the van slightly blushing ,I know she didn't mean it but she called me cute,handsome and my eyes gorgeous ,wow.
When I was in the van everyone was talking about The old lady ,speak of the devil she came walking In
"the fuck why's she here" Ehren asked, "it me dickheads ha,my and Jeff pranked Johnny" she said laughing "I knew it was you-" I said cracking a smile ,"what's next Jeff?" I asked curious as I knew this wasn't the end of this skit
"well,you have to have a make out sesh with 'Lindsay' over there" pointing to Phoebe,she looked like she was about to puke, did Jeff know I liked her or something?meh,

We sat back on the bench trying not to laugh neither of us went in for the kiss ,I gave up and I kissed her first,she kissed back slightly shy but I started using tongue exploring her mouth and she did the same,she was a really good kisser,it felt like pure electricity was rushing through my veins,maybe I got a bit too confident because I put my hand on her cheek leaning into the kiss more after around 3 minutes of it some Karen came up to us making us stop, as it was grossing out her kid,I was kind of sad at the loss of contact but Phoebe looked relieved ,shit.I've just remembered this silly skit was her first kiss maybe that's why she looked like she didn't wanna do it,I shook it off and we walked back to the van

Phoebes View:
I don't even know if I enjoyed that or not,that was my first kiss ,Johnny seemed really confident with it ,he wasn't a bad kisser if I'll be honest it was kind of nice really, we were back at the van and everyone was going 'oooo' "Knoxville you seemed confident with that kiss~" Preston said making Knoxville  go a shade of red and turn away rolling his eyes
"Let's just go home this makeup makes me wanna die" I said jokingly we all sat down and drove home ,


We arrived home and I immediately rushed upstairs locking myself in my room to remove this god awful makeup ,and apply cream to my face before I have a breakout, I changed my mesh like shirt for a yellow shirt that said 'bitches bite' and a plaid grey button up as a jacket to at least keep me somewhat warm ,I unlocked my door so they guys could come in if they wanted to as I didn't really mind,I couldn't get today skit out my head though fucking  hell,he was a good kisser,I'm not saying I liked him,I mean ,Steve-o is pretty cute but he backed off after today's skit I think ,we're just best friends,

I laid back on my bed and stared at the tapestry I hung on my ceiling ,I shut me eyes and just thought about random things until the bed dipped and somebody was next to me ,
Johnny lay there calmly staring at the Ceiling just how I was "what you staring at?" He asked he voice was a bit deeper and raspier,he obviously just woke up from a nap
"ceiling" I replied "yeah no shit" he said laughing a bit,"why are you in my room anyways" I asked "I dunno I was bored" he said I looked over at him and he was shirtless "put a shirt on bro-" I said covering my eyes
"but I'm hot-" he replied " I don't care put a shirt on"I snapped
"what do you not trust yourself with a shirtless guy in your room?" He said wiggling his eyebrows laughing trying to make me blush "whatever your doing it's not working Johnny." I said looking away
"are we just gonna forget about how you touched my chest in the skit~?" He said teasing me "oh shut up,your just full of yourself" I rolled my eyes before getting up and leaving the room

I walked back in with a shirt from his room ,covering my eyes I threw the shirt at him "put it on" I said
"your gonna have to get used to seeing shirtless men on set " he laughed while pulling the shirt over his head
"right," I said sitting down again not facing him
"you alright" he asked genuinely
"yup" I said popping the p
"no your not" he said sternly
"Johnny I'm fine okay," I said
"jeez okay what made you so snappy" he said rolling his eyes
"the skit" I mumbled hoping he didn't hear
"It wasn't that bad ,except the last part" he said ,I nodded and lay down on the bed staring up at the ceiling again,but he grabbed my hands and pulled me up
"Stop sulking your no fun,"he said bored
"I dunno how do I be fun then?" I said ,he was silent
"let's play dress up" he said sarcastically
"sure if you want me to kick you in the nuts again" I said before taking of my jacket I was boiling hot ,I kicked off my shoes and shoved them under my bed
"I want alcohol badly" I said under breath
"I can round up the guys to go to the bar?it's like 6pm"Johnny replied
"Sure,I'll change into something better than this-" Johnny walked out the room and I went to change

I put on mascara and eyeliner with highlighter, a tight red crop top and high raised shorts going up to my waist and stopped mid thigh with tights under neath and my red converse I dug out the bottom of my closet
I made my way downstairs and the guys were all there
"About time" Dave and Ehren both said at the same time
"oh shush" I said rolling my eyes ,
We climbed in the van and after 15 minutes of driving we arrived...

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