Slip n Slide

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We were all on set and the slip m slide was huge. Most of the guys disappeared to out on wetsuits and swimming trunks but I just took off my clothes and out them in my bag exposing my bikini I was wearing underneath I kept my necklace on and it was cold on my skin but it didn't bother me too much as it was so hot out here,I tied my hair back letting a few hairs fall stray lining my face

I wore a black bikini

I took off my bracelets and rings so they wouldnt fall in the water or get damaged,my earrings had to come off too sadly but at-least I had my necklaces,I loved them a-lot

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I took off my bracelets and rings so they wouldnt fall in the water or get damaged,my earrings had to come off too sadly but at-least I had my necklaces,I loved them a-lot.

The first person to re appear was bam ,he came over and sat next to me "new swimsuit?" He asked looking at me
"yup!" I said proudly getting up and doing a twirl giggling
"it looks so nice" bam said giving me a shoulder hug ,before I could respond I had water dumped over my head I spat 5r water that went in my mouth in the ground
"Right who was that." I turned around and Dave and Ryan were both there pointing at each other "ryan I love you so Dave is getting the blame" he began to run and I ran after him water running down me I chased him near the river and pushed him in "refreshing?" I said smugly

"ITS COLD ,COLD,COLD,COLD!!!" He screamed as I laughed ,I made my way back over to bam and Ryan and Dave was still struggling in the water ,I couldn't help but laugh,Ryan budged up so I could sit next to him before more of the guys appeared and of course,all eyes were on me

"have you never seen a girl before keep your eyes to yourselves" I laughed pointing at wee man,Steve-o and Chris "total hottie" Steve-o replied as I stuck my tongue out at him ,Chris had a little bunny hat on and a flower bikini thing?
"What do you think of my outfit Phoebe" he said twirling "hot" I said laughing
"I'm flattered" he responded putting a hand on his heart

The sun shone brightly down on my skin ,I didn't care if I got sunburn atleast I'd look cute while doing it, some of the guys were putting the oils on the slip n slide and I watched Ehren stand up and just slowly slide down looking defeated ,then he tried to run back up but made no progress and just ended up falling on his ass and sliding into the water I spat out the water I was drinking and he flipped me off before swimming back to edge of the water
Johnny and Jeff came out of somewhere and immediately his eyes were on me too ,he was a cute shade of red ,I loved teasing him because he falls in Love with anyone who even calls his outfit nice-it's so easy to tease him,

"eyes are up here Knoxville" I said clicking my fingers with a smug smile across my face ,he snapped out of whatever daydream he was in and immediately shook his head "sorry" he said apologetically and I must mention adorably before walking away fast and sitting next to Steve-o and Preston scratching the back of his neck embarrassed I chuckled a bit and shook my head

When the cameras were rolling the first person who volunteered to go down the slide was Bam of course, he was such a thrill seeker ,he always has as the one who volunteers to fucked up shit back in school,it was funny to be honest as everyone would give him unsure looks until he actually pulled it off or ended up not breaking something.
He climbed to the top and got a surfboard,this wasn't gonna end well,he stood and it and was pushed by Dave and he went sliding down super fast I covered my eyes but he ended up making it to the end without falling.Ehren was pushed down,poor guy

Bam went again but on a floatie and ended up smashing his face into the ramp ,smart of him.
"go on Phoebe ,you have a go!" Dave said nudging me and Ryan egging him on
"nope not happening" I said sternly
"oh cmon show us your epic moves,bam said you always pulled weird shit on slip n slides" Ryan pleaded,
"fine" I got up and made my way over to the slide,I climbed up and I was at the top I looked down,it wasn't too far of a drop I'll make it ,
I sat down and pushed myself forward and while sliding I slowly stood up and back flipped into the water landing perfectly ,I resurfaced "beat that bitches!" I said swimming back to the land shaking my head making some of my wet hair move out of my face

Johnny went up next and woah.He looked good in that wetsuit especially with his hair semi wet ,he went down the slide bailing at the end and belly flopped ,I laughed at his pain as I knew how bad it hurt  when you belly flop.
People went down a few more times on different floaties, Bam was putting more oil as he began to do some weird slip dance as he tried not to slip while holding the bucket,he fell and the bucket was ripped all over him and then he fell down the side of the slide into the water. we were having so much fun we didn't notice it was 7pm ,I was dry as I hadn't been in the water after I did mine so I just slipped my clothes back over the top of my swimsuit and was waiting for the guys

when I was doing my shoe up I felt somebody behind me and I swiftly turned around and took the bottle of water out Ryan's hand he was gonna pour on me
"Better luck next time," I said giggling as he shrugged and rolled his eyes in defeat
"did you see the way Knoxville was staring at you?!he was checking you outttt" Ryan said whispering while raising his eyebrows

"Oh please,it was all because of this morning he can't keep his eyes off me" I said jokingly and shut up instantly as everyone re appeared all back in their clothes while Ryan was chuckling at what I said.Johnny kept looking at me while everyone was chatting and when I looked back at him he looked embarrassed and looked away I shook my head with a smile ,he is not all.We we're all climbing back into the van and I was brushing me hair ,it got a bit knotted due to the water and me having my hair up,they don't mix very well

I was sat between bam and Ryan the chatter in the van flooded my ears but I soon drowned it out and fell asleep leaning on Ryan
I woke up just as the van stopped and everyone was getting out "morning sunshine" Ryan said poking me trying to annoy me
"oh sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" I chuckled before getting up and climbing out the van ,I was chatting with bam and Ryan about today and bam showed me a big bruise he had from falling off the slide into the water ,I felt bad it looked like it hurt a lot
We all scattered when we got inside I couldn't be bothered to eat ,I climbed the stairs and locked my room

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