Id like to see you try

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I woke up,why was I so emotional over that dream- ha.I don't even like him I said chuckling to myself I think I drank too much beer last night before the stunt

I rolled out of bed and the sunshine blinded me making me groan "ugh" '6:02am' i hopped in the shower and quickly washed myself with my shampoo and conditioner,"since when was my conditioner pink?" I said ,I shrugged it off and continued when I got out and dried my hair the tips of my hair were pink.What the fuck.It looked good so I didn't care ,I walked to my closet making sure to lock the door before putting some rights on and waist high black ripped shorts ,I tucked in my white T-shirt with the words 'loser' printed on them I got a plaid button up and threw it over the top as a jacket before putting on my bright red converse ,

I went to the bathroom again to do my makeup,light blush ,fake lashes and a bit of highlighter on the nose and the cheekbones,I brushed out my hair and left it the way it always is,long  and wavy before grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket and walking out my room

I walked downstairs and poured me a bowl of lucky charms ,obviously adding the milk after the cereal food I hated propel who do milk before cereal.I slowly ate it and pulled out my phone to scroll through TikTok ,I should make a video,The guys don't wake up till like 9 latest.I guess I can wake them up and record it with the new longer videos 

I grabbed a few bottles of ice water and I put my phone on record before putting it in my shirt pocket so it wouldn't fall out,giving the best view of what I'm about to do ,"right,were gonna wake up the guys.." I said whispering to the camera

I walked upstairs into Bam's room first ,stood over him and emptied the ice water onto his face ,he immediately shot up "ITS COLD PHOEBE WHAT THE FUCK"she screamed "shhhh I'm gonna get the others up" I said before leaving his room like I did nothing next was Steve-o.I walked into his room to find him awake ."dam it," I said,he stared at me then the water bottles knowing what I was gonna do next was Knoxville,he's got 3 bottle because he put a whole bucket of ice water on me my first day here ,I walked into his room he was still asleep "yes!"I whisper shouted before pouring at-least 5 bottle over his head "WAKEY WAKEY" I screamed laughing
he shot  up "PHOEBE WHAT THE FUCK I DOMT HAVE A TOP ON THATS SO COLD!!!"he shouted "thats your problem not mime" I said rolling my eyes and walking out but before I could he threw a pillow at me so I ran.

Ryan's room.I opened the door before opening the bottle and just throwing it at him ,the plastic and exploded all over him but I shut the door before he could figure out who did it ,I was walking back when I was dragged into a room Steve-o,bam and Johnny all In There ,"oh heyy guyyyss." I said nervously "I'm gonna burn the food I gotta go-" I said turning around but Johnny grabbed my wrists "what?" I said trying to hide I was scared ,they all picked up pillows and attacked me with them ,I kicked each one of them in the nuts.before they could do anything leaving them on the floor
"who's short now  hm?" I said towering over bam, he  always called me short because he was like 2 inches taller than me them, bam dragged me down to the ground with them we all laughed before I got out and bolted out the door before they did anything else ,

I was back downstairs and stopped the recording 4 minutes and 37 seconds,not too bad,I posted it before sitting on the couch and straightening up my clothes and re-tying my shoe laces as they came undone still laughing to myself
7:18am and none of them were downstairs yet ,"I'll go check"
I tried to open Bam's door,locked,Steve-os door,looked,all locked I knocked on Johnny's door "hurry up" I said to the door
"No" he replied
"hurry up."I said
"why should I" he said trying to annoy me
"I dunno just hurry what even are you doing your taking so long" I asked sitting by door
"things"he said
"do you want me to hit you Knoxville,just hurry up"  I said,annoyed
"hit me?sure" he said
"oh shut up."I replied
"mean" he said in a girly voice,he was next to the door as he voice was louder
"Can you just hurry up already, I'm bored" I said while playing with my hair and staring at the ground
"have you not even tried to open my door-?it's open" Johnny said laughing
"can't be arsed" I said putting my head back and bashing it on the door "ow-" I mumbled rubbing the back of my head
" your boring" I said before getting up
the door opened and he dragged me in "ow my wrist-" I said slapping his hand as he let go rolling his eyes
"Knoxville out a shirt on oh my god. Whenever your with me you never have a shirt on"I complained
"Thought you liked it,I'm just being thoughtful"he said with a wink causing me to hit him
"ewww" I said being dramatic trying not to laugh
"okay,okay,I'll put a shirt on"he said walking over to his closet grabbing a black shirt that says 'fuck this shit'
"better?" He said,
"yeah yeah whatever" I said going to leave
I felt hand on my shoulder as Johnny twirled me around "don't leave just yet ,the guys went back to sleep"
"You have cool tattoos" I said randomly
"ooooo somebody was looking at my chest" he said raising his eyebrows
"not like that gross!"I said making a throw up sound  while we both laughed
"stay still" Johnny said moving a piece of hair out the way "there you go-" he said chuckling
"I had such a weird dream last night" I said quietly sat on the edge of his bad biting my bottom lip thinking
"about?" He said ,"I had a weird one too"
"oh uh ,I can't really remember much I was with somebody though,I didn't see their face or anything but we like kissed or something" I said lying but I chuckled to play it off
"hm,weird" he said while putting and hand on my shoulder ,I sucked in some air while a sharp pain went up my shoulder "ouch."
"oh sorry,you must have hurt your arm in the accident" he said swiftly moving his hand off ,I grabbed his hand pulling it to my face as I stared at the rings he wore "hm sick!" I said looking at a snake that wrapped around his index finger
"do you wear rings or like jewellery?" Johnny asked
"oh yeah,I forgot to put them on I'll go get some" I got up and walked out not knowing he followed behind
I looked in my jewellery box "hmmm,I'll wear a few today" I said quietly talking to myself ,"that ones pretty" Johnny said "shit man,I didn't know you followed me" I said

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