Phoebes Room

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I quickly had a shower to get so the muck out my hair ,god knows how dirty that water was ,I came out and moisturised my face and arms before wrapping a towel round me and sitting on my bed I brushed out my finger hair and dryed it off leaving it slightly wet,I got up and changed into some black shorts and a large black hoodie which covered the shorts that said 'ew' in bold letters across the chest I rolled up the sleeves exposing the tattoos I've had over the few years, a cherry blossom tree going up my left arm and three hearts, one broken on my right wrist I always forget they're there even though the tree is a large tattoo ,I was being tattooed for around 9 hours

I sat on my bed and flopped back when somebody knocked on the door ,I groaned and got up opening the door "Knoxville?" I said basically implying 'what do you want'
"The guys went out to the bar without telling us and Bam's fucked off with missy" he said leaning against the door frame
"cool" I said putting my hands in my pockets
"you okay-?" he said rioting his head and raising an eyebrow
"why did you keep staring at me today?" I asked turning around and sitting on the bed,he walked in shutting the door behind himself plopping down next to me
"oh no reason" he said lying
"I'm not a dumbass Johnny" I giggled elbowing him as he grunted and rolled his eyes
"woah woah,chill what made you so moody?" I crossed my arms looking at him
"i wasn't looking at youuuu" he said trying to make himself clear
"so ,you scratched the back of your neck which you only do when nervous or embarrassed,you looked at me multiple times and when I looked at you ,you immediately looked the other way ,not to mention you were totally looking places other than my face" I said smugly exposing him ,I spun some of my hair round my finger waiting for a reply,it was fairly dark outside and the only thing you could here were the birds making their final tune for the night before going to sleep

"wait- what?!i wasn't I swear!But don't think I didn't see you looking at me too" he said smirking putting one of his legs over his knee
"pfft,I'm in your dreams nothing more" I chuckled patting him on the back he went red and but his bottom lip thinking on how to respond
He opened his mouth to say something before I hushed him by mitring a dinner to his mouth "shh" I whispered listening to the birds he chuckled "so you'd rather listen to the birds than me?" He said jokingly before getting up ,I got up with him
"Your not going anywhere I'm bored," I voiced grabbing his wrist pulling him back ,he tripped a little before steadying himself
"you wouldn't want me doing what I did to you this morning would you?" I said implying to when I pinned him to the door,
"I'm not complaining" he added looking proud of what he said
"yeah I won't do it then" I said sitting back down
"what if I did it to you?" He said raising an eyebrow smirking
"in your wildest dreams " I sighed playfully he was still stood up infront of me
"your no fun" he grumbled sitting down again
"sooo" I coughed ,
"you looked nice today" he said randomly chewing on his cheek,I turned and looked him slowly
"uh,thanks" I said blushing a little scratching the back of my neck ,I got up and grabbed some gum throwing it in my mouth
"best flavour like ,dead ass." I said showing him the tutti fruity gum wrapper
"ooo! I want some" he asked like a 6 year old seeing sweets
I handed him some and he chewed on them
"I'm bored" I stated crossing my arms and staring at the wall,
"your wearing shorts under that right-?" Johnny asked curiously ,I nodded
"okay okay good," he chuckled
"Johnny?" I asked him not taking my eyes off the wall,I was gonna do something
"hm?" He replied looking at me
"your laugh is so cute" I said with a small smile on my face and he went red,I could see from the corner of my eye he was trying hard not to smile
"t-thank you!" he chirped looking flattered , I got up to see if he would too ,
he got up too and I took my chance to give him a hug ,he was stretching and I flung my arms around him he jumped but hugged me back ,he was so warm and his cologne smelt amazing he held me closer than ever making me feel safe in his arms,it was the best hug somebody's ever given me
I finally let go of him
"sorry I just needed a hug" I giggled ,next part of my plan was going into action
he was near the door looking at some records I stuck to the wall horribly ,Melanie Martinez,Billie Ellish, Queen, and a lot more
"nice records Fifi" he smiled pointing at Queen
I walked up to him turning him around and pushing him to the wall
"woah, you okay?" He asked
"perfectly fine" I said trailing my hand up his chest his breath hitched
"so..why did bam chase you out my room this morning" I asked curious
"uh,you don't wanna know" he laughed
"hmmm I do though" I complained
"let's just phrase it as morning wood" he said trying not to laugh
my eyes widened ,I knew what he meant ,I moved away from him
and he looked sad when I did
"why's the sad face?" I asked still surprised from what he said
"I was enjoying that" he rolled his eyes jokingly crossing him arms still on the wall
"how about we play a game or something?" I said ignoring what he said
"sure a game wouldn't hurt nobody" he said lifting off the wall and sitting on the chair opposite my bed where I was sat ,
I crossed my legs and started
"so we just ask each other questions,like deep questions" I beamed at him before looking at my nails
"I'll go first,what's your ideal lover,like type in guys?" he grinned resting his face in his hands
it took me map moment to think ,I studied him and then replied not trying to make it obvious
"tall,I like brunettes ,I love brown eyes they gotta be a converse lover like me too,"I smiled wandering off into a mind of my own world,admiring Johnny
"what about you?" I ask ,wanting to know
"soo,I like redheads,green eyes,ooo glasses,freckles ,shorter than me" he replied confidently,
"kind of sounded like me" I joked playfully
"maybe,maybe not" he winked at me and it sent the butterfly's in my stomach to go wild,he walked over to the bed and before I could reply, he kissed me
It was like a magic touch, he held my cheek as I leaned into the kiss making the most of it I opened my mouth and his tongue went in exploring my mouth ,I explored his as I wrapped my hands around his neck it's like fireflies were buzzing around me the electricity in my body went crazy and we pulled from the kiss to get some air
"fuck..." he muttered soon going back in for more this time pulling my closer by grabbing my waist ,he somehow pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling his hips and the kiss just became more intense and needy,his hands on my waist while mine were messing up his hair and gliding down under his shirt outlining his abs ,so perfect,If dreams could come true I'd be in one right now ,his tongue and I intertwined and I could taste the gum I gave him in his mouth ,we pulled apart for more air
"I've dreamed of this" I panted while smiling
"So have i...your so perfect Phoebe.." Johnny said ,I smiled and leaned back in to kiss him again I was still on his lap as he felt up my body ,his hands slipping under my hoodie ,his hands were so cold but so perfect against my tanned,warm skin his lips were so smooth and perfect and they fit with mine like a key and a keyhole,he pulled back for air again and I let out a small whimper from the loss of contact he smiled
"I've loved you since the day I met you Phoebe" he sighed smiling warmly wt me
"I've loved you since I met you too Johnny,not shut the fuck and kiss me" I laughed before we both went back into a kiss again our tongues swirling around each others and our hands exploring each others body's he let out a groan of pain when I shifted on his lap I patted his shoulder as an apology ,and I began to play with his hair again ,we both pulled away from the kiss panting as he flopped back onto my bed ,me still on his lap ,I rolled off slowly and stuck by his side kissing his cheek before wrapping my arms around him already missing the kiss,or being on his lap

I got up quickly and slipped from his side locking the door the guys wouldn't see us together as bam would kill Johnny,I slipped next to him again and we kissed passionately hugging each other and we soon fell asleep..

Authors note
quick question ,would you guys like some smut or not idk?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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