Over Protective much?

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Steve-o walked over to Phoebe,"your smoking hot babe-" he said teasing her "I'm Steve-o" he smirked and shook her hand before winking and going back to the couch after being called by weeman to take over his game because he wanted food ,Steve-o had shaved hair fairly tall and wore a baggy shirt with normal jeans,Phoebe stood there so confused on what just happened but shrugged it off and sat next to Chris ,Who was sat next to the Other guy Who was staring at her,he was wearing black ray bands,torn jeans with a white shirt that had some random persons face on it ,he had messy dark brown hair but she couldn't see his eyes,and she had to admit,he was pretty cute ..

Phoebes view
I sat next to my best friend Chris , and he was sat next to that guy who kept staring at me,I didn't mind,look if you want it doesn't bother me ,Steve-o must have been drunk,bam said he likes alcohol a bit too much ,that's why he said that really cheesy line..
"hey Knoxville you met Phoebe yet?" He asked Knoxville before leaning to the side so he could see me
"I haven't,I'm Johnny nice to meet you-" he was going to continue before bam appeared from nowhere and starting shouting at Johnny "stay away from my sister we all know your a perv Johnny" he rolled his eyes in a jokingly way ,I just sat there trying not to laugh ,he didn't seem like the type to be a perv to be honest , "Knox what's that?" Chris said pointing to his face before grabbing his glasses and running off "loser" Chris yelled,
I looked at Johnny sneakily and found out he had the most gorgeous eyes ever,they were a warm shade of brown,but Steve-o's were a light blue close to mine which I found cute
"johnny I see you looking at my sister stop it pedo" bam said ,
"How am I a pedo I'm literally 30 and I'm looking at somebody it's not doing any harm?" Said Johnny his voice was really nice ,so nice I zoned out,the next few minutes were a blur until I snapped out of it and bam was telling Johnny to move away from me as he was worried for my safety "overprotective much" I chuckled before punching bam in the nuts sending him to the floor in pain "loser" I said mocking him

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