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I woke up with a horrible headache,still the memory of kissing Johnny I smiled at the memory but got up,I dry swallowed some paracetamol and checked the time '5:17am' great...
I had a quick shower and put on some mascara and blush not going all out ,I walked to my closet and put some shorts on and a red jumper which said the words 'happy?' On it in cursive,I pulled up my knee high black socks and threw on my converse ,I didn't bother looking at the colour I just hoped they matched .I let my hair air dry and I put on my glasses before trudging downstairs

I saw Johnny at the counter sipping on a drink
"morning..." I said "how you feeling?" He said smiling acting like nothing happened hours before ."head hurts" I pressed a hand against my head and leaned on the counter
"do you remember anything from last night?" He asked ,I knew what he meant by that .I lied "no.." he frowned a little ,but I still tasted the mint in my mouth I felt bad lying to him I just wanted to spill everything ,my sober is saying I don't like him but when I'm drunk all the feelings I've piled up just escape ,I like him a lot ,I wish I could tell him but he was drunk last night too,he doesn't like me
"Phoebe?" Johnny said clicking his fingers in front of my face,I zoned out ,I rubbed my eyes "sorry,zoned out" I giggled  a little making Johnny smile
I walked up to him a hugged him ,he was cold "I thought you hated hugs" Johnny asked ,"it was an excuse for people to keep their hands off me" I lied ,lying felt so bad...Johnny was so gorgeous ,his eyes the way he wore sunglasses ,his fashion sense ughhh just everything! "split it up you two" bam said walking in between us "am I not allowed to hug my best friend?" I asked bam and Steve-o cut in "I'm hurt,I thought I was your best friend" he said playfully ,


Jeff announced "Today's stunt,Phoebe is gonna be blasted with a lot of water,it's called the tidal wave that's basically all you can describe it..?you alright with that Phoebe?you might wanna get your swimsuit on underneath" Jeff said,I nodded agreeing at this point I didn't care what I did,as long as I didn't die I'd be alright with it .I walked outside to the van ,I had a black bikini on underneath my clothes and it was surprisingly comfy,

We all climbed in the van at 9:13am hoping to arrive round half past,

When we arrived I slumped out the van still tired and sad of how Johnny acted towards me

I took of my clothes revealing my bikini and the guys jaw dropped when they saw me "my eyes are up here pervs" I said as they were all basically checking me out I muttered under my breath "weirdos"
Jeff ran me through how it would work and handed me a snorkel so I could breathe
I stood in front of where I was gonna get blasted with water ,I was pretty nervous ,I took a deep breathe before they counted down from 3

The next thing I knew water came rushing at me ,the current was so strong it pushed me further than expected and I hit my head on a wall knocking me out cold..the next thing I remembered before blacking out was a lot of people shouting for medic and people rushing over to me

I woke up in my bed,was it all a dream..well...nightmare?
I lifted my head but it hurt I touched my forehead and noticed a large cut ,it started to bleed when I cut it ,Johnny was sat in the corner of the room in the chair not noticing I was awake "Johnny..?" I said weakly "what happened...?" I asked and he came over to me sitting and the end of the bed "your head head hit the wall and you blacked out ,you've got a massive cut across the back and front of your head" he said quietly because I had a headache,"can you come lie with me..?" I asked so quietly basically mumbling it ," he smiled and lay down next to me "can I tell you something" I asked,he nodded his head as he plaited my hair ,"I remember everything from last night,I mean it mall the things I said too" I confessed ,"wait what?" Johnny said as he stopped doing my hair "mhm,I always remember what happens when I'm drunk" I said slowly "I don't know what you mean Phoebe" he said confused "I like you Johnny.okay."I said looking away ,he sat there shocked and blinking  few times to check if this was real "I uhm..I like you too Phoebe" he said quietly ,I turned around and smiled at him,I didn't look at him before looked even hotter now- no shirt,messed up hair,ripped jeans and a cute necklace,it exposed all his tattoos even his daughters name tattooed on him

"how have you never had a boyfriend Phoebe?" He asked
"I was called ugly in high school but I like to say I've had a glow up"I smiled ,my head aches horribly but I managed to move enough to kiss him lightly on the lips leaving him wanting more he kissed me again "your desperate" I chuckled he went red and rolled his eyes

Then I woke up.
The cut was on my face .
But nobody was in my room,it was all a dream .my forehead bled again and I wiped away the blood ,a single tear running down the side of my face ,I didn't care ,I just turned over I went to sleep hoping to wake up without pain.

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