Alone with The 2

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Everyone left the living room leaving me,Johnny ,and Steve-o,he was. A bit more sober now but not completely ,Johnny and Steve-o were chatting while I was just sat curled up on the couch ,I think they were best mates and couldn't tell by the way they chatted ,one second they are best buds the second they're insulting each other-
I've got to admit They both were cute as fuck,Steve-o's voice and looks but then there's Johnny and holy shit..l can't even think straight He is beautiful,his voice,his looks,his body oh my..l...

Speak of the devil,Johnny gave up talking to Steve-o and sat next to me ,Steve-o was bored and left going upstairs I guess we were boring him-. Johnny looked at me for a bit before actually talking "your pretty yknow" he said quietly ,"thank you" I said smiling and playing with my hair ,that was random?"your not too bad yourself" I said not looking at with but smirking,I felt his gaze upon me,not sneaky at all knox ,I chuckled to myself, "so,tell me about you"Johnny said  smiling politely "well,my full name is Phoebe Cooper,I'm 29,I skate and do stunts often" I said chuckling ,lifting my shirt a little to expose a line of bruises in my side from a stunt that went wrong,
He looked at them curiously "what even happened?" He asked,
"holding onto a rope,fell and smashed the side of my torso into some rocks,I broke 2 ribs I'm alright now" I said embarrassed due to how stupid the reason was .
he laughed a little seeing how embarrassing the story was and how embarrassed I was.

Steve-o walked back down the stairs and joined us on the couch "hey ladies" he said teasing Knox ,"im not a lady?" Johnny said covering a laugh "you look like one" Steve-o said rolling his eyes , "if you don't mind me asking can you tell me a bit about yourself's."I asked the both of them
"whats in it for us?"johnny teases making me laugh a bit
"hmmm,a hug?I don't hug people so it would be a big deal" I said crossing my arms smugly.
"Alright" Steve-o replied , folding on leg over his knee while sipping on a can of beer he stole from Johnny's hands

"right so ,I'm Steve-o,I'm 26,stunts obviously-,and I'm single~" he said wiggling his eyebrows to get phoebes attention
"In your dreams Steve-o" I said rolling my eyes ,"what about you Knox?"
"oh yeah,I'm one of the main guys in jackass,I kinda created it, I'm 30,I'm a dumbass ,and I dunno that's it really" he said biting his bottom lip trying to think but just forgetting about it and we all sat in silence

"soooo, have a boyfriend?" Steve-o asked ,I knew what he meant."no haven't ever had one-" I said staring down at my skirt where I stitched on a cute patch ,I felt a pair of eyes on me and immediately knew it was Knoxville why was he so fascinated by looking me?I'm a Girl has he never seen one before-?

"Right ,I'm gonna go to bed " I said awkwardly as I scooted upstairs
"hey where's our hugs?" Said Steve-o sadly
"It was a trick!" I said before running up the stairs into my room shutting the door

I stripped down and got In the shower ,the warm water ran threw my hair and body as I quickly put shampoo and conditioner in before washing my body and letting all the suds fall off my body ,I turned off the shower and stepped out drying myself off before changing into some shorts and a cropped white tank shirt before tying my hair up and getting into bed
Today was interesting...I wonder what will come tomorrow

I drifted off into slumber

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