Saving My Cosplayer (Bixlow x Lucy)

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This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.

BixLu is far too underrated. I love it so much and I wish there were more fics about them. I think that they'd have a great dynamic either romantic or platonic. I wish that they interacted more in the show. I honestly don't know why exactly why I love BixLu, I just do. Then again, that's the same reason I have for loving a majority of rare Lucy pairs.



"Hey, Cosplayer!"

Bixlow walked over to the blonde celestial wizard that he had a crush on since she beat him during the Fantasia incident. Lucy turned around on the stool she sat on at the bar and smiled at him, returning his greeting with "hello, Bix. What's up?"

Bixlow gave her a large smile and said, "come to see if you wanted to hang out sometime." His 'babies' repeated the words "hang out" as they floated around his head.

Lucy laughed lightly at the small, wooden totems before responding, "I'd love to hang out with you. I'm going on a job with Natsu once he and Gray stop butting heads, so how about when he and I get back?"

Bixlow narrowed his eyes under his visor, a feeling of jealousy building up in his stomach. He knew that it was silly to get jealous over Lucy and Natsu being partners, but he just couldn't help it, he was pretty sure that the Fire Dragon Slayer had a crush on Lucy. Ignoring the unwanted feeling in his stomach, he gave the blonde his trademark grin with his tongue hanging out and answered, "yeah, Cosplayer, that sounds great!"

Lucy smiled, a heavenly smile in Bixlow's opinion, in response before leaning to the side in order to peer past him and at the brawl that was beginning. Bixlow turned around when he noticed that Lucy was grimacing at the sight. Upon turning around, he saw that not only were Natsu and Gray fighting but now Gajeel and a few others were getting involved. Bixlow couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he heard Lucy groan and mumble something about needing a month-long break from Natsu.

He turned around to see the celestial wizard of his affections stomp past him, up to Natsu, grab him by his scarf, and drag the whining pyromaniac out of the guildhall. Bixlow gave a hearty laugh at that before walking back upstairs to Fairy Tail's second floor and sitting down at the table that he and his team frequented, intent on waiting for his Cosplayer to return so he could finally do what Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen have been bugging him to do, and make a move on Lucy.

Three days passed and every day Bixlow would arrive at the guild early to sit at his usual table and watch the guildhall doors, waiting for Lucy's return. He's had a massive crush on her since the Fantasia incident when she kicked his ass. He had always thought that she was gorgeous, but that battle, along with the time he spent befriending her, showed him that she was also strong, smart, kind, and many other things that Bixlow loved in a woman.

After he was beaten by the celestial wizard, his interest was sparked. After a while of getting to know and befriending her, that sparked interest turned into love. He would so often find himself looking forward to seeing her, pushing himself to ask her to take a job with him but ending up failing and wishing that she would approach him about taking a job together, and cursing himself out for passing up a perfect chance to ask her on a date due to his stupid nerves.

Eventually, he told Freed and Evergreen about his feelings for Lucy in hopes of them coming up with some sort of solution for him. Freed had actually put down his book and informed him that his only option was to confess to Lucy. The rune mage explained that if Lucy ended up rejecting him, then Bixlow will be able to get over her faster since he'll have the knowledge that his feelings aren't returned rather than pine for her longer and never know if he ever had a chance. Freed went on to explain that if Bixlow confessed his feelings and she felt the same way, then he'll no longer be left to question if he could have ever gotten with her.

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