Amusement Park Prize (Mira x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by CelineCourageux.

This takes place in the modern day.

I hope you enjoy!


"Come on, Lucy!"

Mira begged her girlfriend while they sat next to each other in class. Lucy shook her head, saying, "you know I'm not interested in Amusement Parks. They're too loud and crowded, and there aren't a lot of rides I'd even go on. Plus, the lines are always a mile long and the games are all rigged."

Mira pouted. She and Lucy had been dating for a few months now, and all of their dates were in parks, at coffee shops, or at movie theaters. She wanted to go some a bit more fun. When she heard from Lisanna that the annual amusement park was swinging around tomorrow, she decided that it would be the perfect date night. However, she didn't think that convincing her girlfriend to go would be so difficult.

She felt Lucy rest her hand on her shoulder and heard her say, "we can do something else, Mira. How about we go see that new movie that Evergreen and Elfman saw? They said that it was really good, didn't they?"

Mira shook her head, exclaiming, "but I want to go to the amusement park! It'll be fun, I promise!"

Lucy sighed, "well, I don't like them."

"Have you ever even gone to one?"

"Yes, once, and it was terrible. I don't want to go to another one that'll just be a disappointment."

"But, Lucy, this one is amazing! Everybody in school goes every year! It's the best amusement park in Fiore, so I know that you'll enjoy it!"

Lucy opened her mouth to speak when Natsu dragged over a chair and loudly asked, "what are you two talking about?"

Mira was the one who answered, "I'm trying to convince Lucy to go to the amusement park with me."

Natsu's eyes lit up at the mention and grabbed Lucy's shoulders, shaking her as he practically yelled, "you need to come, Luce! That place is awesome! It has the fastest rides you can imagine, the funest games, and, best of all, the greatest food to ever exist!"

Mira giggled as she watched Lucy try to get out of her best friend's grasp before she got whiplash. The blonde then responded, "I don't know. Is it usually crowded?"

Natsu answered, "not really. It's big, so you shouldn't be bothered by anyone."

Mira looked to the front of the room and saw Erza and Gray. She called over to them and, when they looked at her, she waved them over to the back of the classroom. When the pair arrived, she explained, "I'm trying to get Lucy to come to the amusement park with me tomorrow. Lend a hand?"

Erza and Gray both smiled. The redhead praised, "you really should try it, Lucy. It has something for everybody, I can assure you. If you don't like fast rides, then it has calmer ones. If you don't like rides at all, then you give the games a try. They are a lot of fun to play."

Gray chimed in, "yeah! The food is great too. It's so much fun, even Laxus likes to go."

As Lucy hummed thoughtfully and stared down at her desk, Mira clapped her hands together in front of herself, right underneath her chin. She smiled at her girlfriend, blue eyes sparkling with hope. Her silent pleading was impossible to miss.

She watched with delight as Lucy sighed and relented, "alright, Mira, we can go to the amusement park together."

Mira cheered as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and planted a big kiss on her cheek. She was determined to make sure that Lucy had a great time tomorrow.

The couple walked through the ground of the amusement park, occasionally seeing some of their friends. Natsu and Gray were going on roller coasters and seeing who would get sick first, it was always Natsu, while Erza waited for them on the ground, eating whatever strawberry-flavored treat she had managed to find. Lisanna and Juvia quickly joined them. Evergreen and Elfman were going on the Tunnel of Love together while Laxus, Freed, and Bixlow competed against each in some games. Levy was pulling Gajeel along, the large man complaining the entire time. They also saw Wendy and Romeo, who were both heading into the Maze of Mirrors after Romeo's father apparently got lost and needed help getting out.

Mira looked at her girlfriend, asking, "so, what do you wanna do first?"

Lucy shrugged, causing Mira to frown. The white-haired woman looked around, searching for something that they could do. More specifically, she was looking for a game that looked interesting, guessing that playing a game would be the best way to get Lucy into the park.

She quickly spotted a game that had a prize that she knew Lucy would love. She grabbed her girlfriend's hand and pulled her toward the game before she pointed up at the prize and asked, "what do you think of that?"

She watched as Lucy looked up at the prize. It looked like a snowman, with a white body with an orange, horn-like nose that resembled a carrot. When Lucy's eyes lit up upon seeing it and she grinned, Mira placed some jewel onto the stand and asked to play.

The carny smiled at her as he explained the game, "all you have to do is knock down all of these clowns with that water gun. If you can manage that, then you can have any prize you choose."

Mira nodded and took up the water gun, resting the butt against the front of her shoulder. She waited for the wooden clown figures to start moving before she began shooting water at them. She silently thanked Laxus for teaching her to win when they were dating a few years ago.

'Just aim for where the freaky clown think is going to be,' he had told her. She did just that, picking a clown figure to shoot down and aiming at where it was heading. Once it got close enough, she pulled the trigger, a large burst of water knocking it down.

It didn't take her long to knock down all of the targets. She listened to Lucy clap beside her as she pointed at the large, stuffed toy and announced, "I'd like that one, please."

She quickly accepted the toy from the carny and handed it to Lucy, watching with delight as her girlfriend proudly proclaimed, "I'll name it Plue! Thank you so much, Mira!"

Mira giggled and entwined her fingers with Lucy's, saying, "of course, Lucy. Now, how about we go try the Ferris Wheel next? The line is never very long around this time."

With that, the couple was off to the aforementioned ride, later sharing a kiss when they reached the top.


I wanted to do something short and sweet. I hope you liked it!

My update schedule:
January 5th: He's My Soulmate! (Zeref x Lucy ft. Natsu, Gray, and Happy)
January 7th: Demon Lucy Part 2 (Minerva x Lucy)
January 10th: Two Helping Hands and Blooming Romance Part 2 (Erza x Lucy x Levy)
January 13th: Stop Flirting With Her! (Erza x Lucy)
January 15th: Stop Trying to Kill Him! (Mira x Lucy)
January 17th: Lucy's Protective Girlfriends (Erza x Lucy x Mira ft. Natsu, Lisanna, and Gray)
January 20th: Laxus' Soulmate (Laxus x Lucy ft. Levy, Thunder Legion, Loke, and Makarov)
January 22nd: Protective Spirits (Laxus x Lucy ft. Lucy's Spirits)
January 25th: Mating Season and Jealousy (Lisanna x Lucy x Erza ft. Mira)
January 27th: Auction (Freed x Lucy x Rufus)
January 30th: Gemi and Mini's Plan (Freed x Lucy ft. Gemini)
February 1st: The Nightmares of Iron and Water (Gajeel x Lucy x Juvia)
February 4th: Spirits and Babies (Bixlow x Lucy)
February 6th: Fun at Ryuzetsu Land (Juvia x Lucy x Evergreen)
February 9th: Here Comes the Brides (Juvia x Lucy)
February 12th: Cuddles and Protective Teammates Part 2 (Cana x Lucy)
February 14th: I will Live for a Million Years (Loke x Lucy ft. Aquarius)
February 16th: Laxus and Lucy from the Future (Laxus x Lucy)
February 19th: I'm Not Leaving You (Gray x Lucy)
February 22nd: The Red Bitch is Back Part 2 (Laxus x Lucy)
February 26th: You're as Intimidating as a Butterfly (Meredy x Lucy)

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