We Wanna Ruin our Friendship! (Gajeel x Lucy x Rogue)

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This was requested on AO3 by Westerngoddess.

This was a birthday request. So, happy birthday to Westerngoddess! I hope that you have a fantastic birthday! I also hope that this oneshot is to your liking!

I think you all know what I think about Gajeel x Lucy x Rogue. I love RoLu. I love GaLu. Putting them together would just make it better.

Also, as you can probably tell by the title, I am basing this oneshot off of the song "Jenny" by Studio Killers. I've been itching to write a fic based on it, so why not this one?

I hope you enjoy!


Gajeel was in love with Lucy.

That was pretty obvious to anybody that wasn't the blonde in question. It was a known fact in the guild that wherever Lucy was, Gajeel wasn't too far away. He sat with her in the guild, went on jobs with her, and protected her from creeps. He was clearly besotted.

The dragon slayer had surprised everybody by worming his way into Lucy's life and becoming one of her closest friends. And Lucy didn't seem to mind at all. The pair knew a lot about each other, having even had several sleepovers at each other's places, gone on countless jobs together, and spent time together outside of the guild.

It became apparent that Black Steel Gajeel was in love whenever he heard her voice and laughter, saw her smile, or even looked at her. The red blush that would spread across his cheeks and the small smile that would make its way onto his face were more than enough to know that his feelings for the celestial wizard were more than platonic.

However, despite the entire guild knowing about his feelings for her, he would vehemently deny such a thing. It didn't matter how much Levy and Mira would tease him and encourage him to ask her out, he would claim that his feelings for her weren't romantic and stick to the claim.

Truth was, he was aware of his feelings for Lucy. He wasn't an idiot. He knew that he wanted to make the kind and beautiful woman his girlfriend. He loved everything about her. Her strawberry and vanilla scent was intoxicating. Her blonde hair looked as though it was weaved from the sun's golden rays. Her voice and laughter were like a melody he could listen to on end. Her eyes were a deep, chocolatey brown that he would oftentimes find himself getting lost in.

He knew that he was smitten with her. Hell, he was even using one of her shirts that she didn't want anymore as a pillowcase. How could he not be aware of how he felt about her? The problem was though, how could he tell her? He didn't know if she felt the same way, nor did he want to scare her off. Even if she didn't return his feelings, he still wanted to be her friend.

He had been tempted to ask Mira for help, but then he would shudder at the thought of whatever over-the-top plot that she would come up with and quickly decide against it. He had asked Levy a few times for advice, but as she would say to simply tell Lucy. That wasn't much help. So, he was stuck.

Like any other dragon slayer, he wasn't keen on the opposite sex flirting with Lucy. Simply seeing another man eye his Bunny Girl with clearly less than chaste intentions was enough to make him punch the bastard halfway across Magnolia. So, imagine the rage that he felt when he saw Sabertooth's Shadow Dragon Slayer walk into the guild with a smiling Lucy by his side.

Rogue was enamored with Lucy.

He didn't make attempts to hide that fact. Whenever one of his guildmates would ask him if he was in love with her, he would give them a simple 'yes.' This had resulted in constant teasing from Sting and Orga while Yukino, Minerva, and Rufus would encourage him to confess to her. However, he wasn't sure about that. He only ever saw her when she visited Sabertooth, which was an occurrence that wasn't nearly as frequent as he wished it was.

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