Go Talk to Her (Midnight x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Ginia_P.

About fucking time I get a MidLu request! I have been waiting longer than necessary for someone to request a oneshot for this ship.

I love MidLu! I don't know why I love it so much, I just do. Maybe it's because I love both Lucy and Midnight, or they look great together. It might also be because I am basically obsessed with Hero x Villian/Redeemed Villian and Bad Boy x Good Girl tropes. So much fantastic angst potential! MidLu is one of my OTPs and I am so happy to finally have a request for it.

I hope you enjoy!


Midnight sighed as he watched Lucy sit with her team, talking away with them. He sat at the bar, a mug of alcohol in front of him, with his arm propped up on the surface of the bar and his chin resting on his palm. He felt his gut erupt with butterflies and his cheeks warm when he saw her smile and heard her laugh. He was tempted to walk over and sit with her, joining in on the conversation. However, he stayed where he sat, unable to push himself to approach her.

After some time of fighting dark guilds, Crime Sorciere decided to disband and join Legal Guilds. Racer had joined Lamia Scale, Meredy joined Sabertooth, and Hoteye had left to travel with his younger brother. Jellal, Cobra, and Midnight decided to join Fairy Tail.

After their joining, Midnight had been experiencing strange feelings around Lucy. Whenever he was near her, he would become overwhelmed with nervousness. Every time he heard her laugh or saw her smile, he would feel a fluttering feeling fill his gut and his cheeks would get dusted with a pink blush. A single touch from the celestial wizard would send a pleasurable shock through his body. The mere thought of talking to her would make his heartbeat quicken and his palms sweat. He wanted to be close to her a lot, but was also too nervous to make himself approach her.

The former dark mage looked down at the mug of alcohol in front of him as he scowled at himself. He didn't understand why he felt this way toward Lucy. He first thought that it was because he wanted to be her friend, but when the feelings persisted, got stronger even, he became even more confused about these feelings. He had never felt this way about someone before, so what was going on?

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a deep chuckle. He turned his head to see Cobra taking a seat next to him and giving him a knowing and amused smirk. Midnight gave him a scowl as he asked, "what's so funny?"

The maroon-haired man chuckled more before he spoke, "just your thoughts." He then lifted his mug of alcohol up to his lips, taking a long drink.

Midnight narrowed his red eyes at him, grumbling, "I wish you would stop listening to my thoughts. That's an invasion of privacy, you know."

Cobra scoffed, "since when have you ever cared about privacy?"

Midnight countered, "since we stopped being dark mages."

Cobra shrugged and took another swig of his alcohol. When he sat the mug on the bar he gave his friend a smirk as he remarked, "so, you're in love with Blondie over there." He gestured toward Lucy, causing Midnight to turn around and look at her. The blonde was listening to Erza talk, a lovely smile on her face.

The two-toned-haired man turned back to the dragon slayer next to him and furrowed his brow at him. In love with her? No way! He couldn't be! He voiced these thoughts, though he already knew that Cobra had heard him, "I'm not in love with her."

Cobra raised an eyebrow, questioning, "really? Are you sure?" A smirk played on his lips. Midnight could tell that the dragon slayer wasn't going to let up, only bother him further until he gets what he wants.

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