This is the END (Levy x Lucy)

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This was requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.

This is a oneshot that takes place when Lucy is rewriting the Book of E.N.D. and instead of Gray being there, it's Levy. This is also if Lucy wasn't actually fine in the end.



Levy sat next to her girlfriend, watching with widened eyes as blood-red runes surrounded them, struggling to make out what they said. She noticed Lucy moving next to her and looked over to see that she had picked up the feathered quill and was holding it up. The blue-haired woman muttered, "what are you doing?"

Before she could get an answer, she watched as Lucy whimpered, her eyes seeming to be fixed on something in front of her that only she could see. What appeared to be flowing lava overtook her hand and ran down the blonde's arm, like veins, reaching her neck and the side of her face.

Happy, from his place beside Levy, spoke, "something's...happening to her."

Just then Lucy's body began trembling and her whimpers turned into pained gasps. Levy hesitantly reached for her girlfriend, her heart twisting within her chest at the obvious pain the blonde was in. Just before her fingers could even ghost her girlfriend's skin, Lucy dropped the quill and doubled over, her arms wrapped around herself. Levy and Happy both gasped in horror as the celestial wizard began screaming in agony, tears trickling down her face.

"Lucy!" Levy and Happy both exclaimed.

Levy reached for her girlfriend's shoulder, muttering, "Lucy? Are you okay?" It was a stupid question. Clearly, she wasn't okay, but it was the only thing that she could think of to say.

The blue-haired woman retracted her hand the instant it made contact with the other woman's shoulder, reflexively yelping, "ow!"

After several moments of pained gasps and trembling, Lucy uttered, "something inside burning." She then choked on a cry.

Levy felt tears burn her eyes at the sight, however, she quickly wiped them away. She wasn't going to cry. Not when her girlfriend was seeming to be burning alive. Crying won't do any good, she told herself.

It was Happy who spoke next, "Natsu's fire..."

Levy finished the thought, "his fire as a demon..."

She watched as Lucy moved her infected hand to rest over one eye as she struggled to sit straight and managed to say, "but I can use a clue..." The blonde then looked back at the red runes, which seemed to have smoke rising off of them. Levy looked too, but quickly moved her gaze back to her girlfriend when she heard her continue, "if I follow this magic power..." Her gaze dropped as she gasped out, "I might..."

Happy took up so that she wouldn't have to finish, "you might be able to rewrite the demon inside Natsu."

Levy gasped at that. Tears welled up in her eyes again. She felt the urge to try and convince her girlfriend to not do it, however, she was able to hold herself back, if just barely. She knew that she couldn't convince Lucy to not do something that she had already decided to do, especially at a time like this, when Natsu's own life was on the line.

Happy finished, "but if you do that, you'll..."

Lucy murmured, "I'll be fine..."

That was a lie, Levy knew that it was. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous and her chest ached, feeling as though she had been stabbed through the heart, and yet was somehow still alive and capable of feeling everything. Her dark eyes burned with tears that were now falling freely. The blue-haired woman watched, feeling helpless, as her girlfriend somehow managed to push through the pain and picked up the quill again before raising it once more and beginning to write.

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