The Red Bitch is Back Part 2 (Laxus x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Pup.

Here's some more of Laxus taking care of Lucy while she's on her period.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy groaned as she made her way to the guildhall. Her hands rested against her abdomen as she sluggishly walked. She really didn't want to go to the guild. She would much rather stay in bed, curled up after having downed a few painkillers, and Plue nestled in her arms, shaking and cooing comfortingly.

However, she needed to make some rent money, which meant, she would have to go on a job even while she was being plagued by that time of the month that nearly every woman with a functioning reproductive system dreaded.

Upon reaching the guildhall, she rested her hand against the door and braced herself on it. A sharp pain shot through her abdomen, followed by a less-sharp pain in her lower back. She screwed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth, trying to bite back a small cry.

It wasn't until the pain dissipated that she finally walked into the guild. She made her way to the bar, hoping that a strawberry milkshake would help her feel better. She sat on a stool and waved at Mira with a smile on her face. She hoped that her tiredness and discomfort weren't noticeable to her close friend.

Mira walked over and smiled kindly at her like she always did. "Hello, Lucy. The usual?"

Lucy nodded, her mouth already watering as she could practically taste the delicious, cold drink. When Mira walked away to prepare the milkshake, Lucy turned around to look at her guildmates. It was a rare time of calmness and quiet at Fairy Tail was certainly going to be broken soon. Her eyes roamed over her guildmates, taking note of what they were doing. Macao and Wakaba were talking while drinking, Cana was downing a barrel of alcohol, Erza was munching on a whole strawberry cake, Gray was sitting at a table alone as Juvia fawned over him, Levy and Gajeel were talking at another table as Jet and Droy occasionally pipped in and Lily munched on a bowl of kiwis, and Wendy and Carla were standing at the job request board.

Lucy smiled at the sight of her guildmates being happy and enjoying each other's company. It didn't take long for her to notice that Natsu and Happy weren't there, not that she was surprised. She guessed that they were on a job.

She then looked up at the second floor of the guildhall, where her boyfriend and his three closest friends usually hung out when they weren't on a job. She spotted Laxus and the Thunder Legion sitting in their usual place. Freed had his nose buried in a book and Bixlow and Evergreen seemed to be engaged in a rather heated conversation. Laxus was sipping on a mug of what was most likely alcohol. He glanced down at her and gave her a charming smirk, causing her to blush and look down at the bar.

Only moments after this, Mira sat a strawberry milkshake in front of the blonde. Lucy gave her an appreciative smile and began sipping on the drink. She abruptly pulled away when another sharp pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to screw her eyes shut and hiss through clenched teeth. Her hand pressed against her abdomen as her other hand tightened on her cold cup. She hoped that she would be able to find a job request that didn't require fighting and paid well.

Once the pain faded away, she cast a glance back up at Laxus, feeling her cheeks heat up when she saw that he was still staring down at her, an eyebrow raised. Lucy refocused her attention on her milkshake as she hoped that Laxus would figure out her condition. She remembered how Lauxus acted last month. He was very caring and tended to her very well. She appreciated how caring he was whenever she was on her period, however, she wasn't much of a fan of how coddling he could be. Too many times, Laxus would make her stay in bed and rest while he took care of her for the duration of her period.

Lucy knew that Laxus meant well in doing this, and that he was just trying to help her through a tough time, however, she wished that he would let up a bit. Just because Satan's Waterfall was flowing out of her and she couldn't go more than ten minutes without strong cramps didn't mean that she couldn't do basic things such as make a quick meal by herself.

She decided to avoid any confrontation that Laxus would try to pull by quickly downing her milkshake, ignoring the sudden and strong brain freeze that resulted, and she made her way over to the job request board, now deserted. She scanned the job requests, searching for one that didn't require fighting. She wasn't fond of combat on even a normal day, let alone on a day like today. Her current condition made the thought of fighting even more unappealing.

She gave a sigh and rubbed at her eyes. She really wanted to go back to sleep. She shook her head and resumed searching when she felt a large hand rest on her shoulder. She jumped slightly and turned around, finding that Laxus was staring down at her, as if inspecting her closely. Lucy smiled up at him and spoke, "hey, Laxus."

Her boyfriend responded, "you okay, Blondie?"

Lucy turned back to the job request board and nodded. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I noticed that you seemed to be in pain just a minute ago. You also seem to be tired."

Lucy opened her mouth to give an excuse, but was stopped by a yawn, which was followed by yet another sharp pain that caused her reflexively press her hands against her abdomen as she gave a low groan. When the pain faded, she silently cursed at her body for selling her out. Traitorous reproductive system!

She heard Laxus sigh and gave a small yelp when he suddenly swept her up into a bridal carry. As Laxus walked toward the guildhall's doors, Lucy questioned, "what are you doing?"

"I'm taking you home. You shouldn't be going on jobs when you're on your period. I know how bad they can get for you."

Lucy stared at him in confusion. "How did you know I was on my period?"

Laxus chuckled and gave her an amused smirk as he answered, "we've been dating for three years, I've gotten your cycle down pretty well." When Lucy huffed he added, "look, I know that you want to go on a job and do things yourself, but also can't push yourself. Your periods tend to get pretty bad, you know that. I just want to make sure that you don't get hurt."

Lucy considered what he said. He was right in that her periods were more often than not pretty bad. Oftentimes, it got so bad that she could even get out of bed to get medication. She sighed and relaxed in her boyfriend's arms. "Alright, let's just spend some time at my apartment."

Laxus smiled down at her. "That sounds like an awesome way to spend a week."

"But you have to let me do some things myself. I'm not completely helpless."

Laxus pressed a kiss to her forehead before he responded, "fine with me."

Lucy smiled back up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips, which he returned as he approached her apartment.


I hope that this turned out well.

My update schedule:
February 26th: You're as Intimidating as a Butterfly (Meredy x Lucy)

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