Laxus' Soulmate (Laxus x Lucy ft. Levy, Thunder Legion, Loke, and Makarov)

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This was requested on AO3 by Andromeda_Isan.

This is probably the most difficult oneshot that has been requested. I've never written or read a "characters react" type of fic, so I hope that this turns out well.

This story takes place two weeks before Lucy arrives at the guild.

Also, it's been a while since I last watched Fairy Tail, and plan to give it another watch soon, so I apologize if things are inaccurate.

I hope you enjoy!


Laxus groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, dim lighting around him. He raised a hand to rest over his forehead and leaned forward in the cushioned seat that he was sitting in. He gave another groan as his headache began to slowly dull.

Where the hell was he? He looked around, finding to his surprise that he wasn't alone. He was sitting in what looked like a theater, on a cushioned seat within a row of them. To his left were Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow, all three of them still out cold. To his right were Levy, Loke, and Makarov, who were all also unconscious.

The dragon slayer rubbed his temples as he looked around. High on the wall in front of them was a huge, black screen. The room was dimly lit. He stood up and looked at the back of the sloped room, seeing a pair of closed doors. With haste, he went up a ramp that was on one end of the row of seats and pressed against the metal bar that was connected to one of the closed doors, only for it to not budge a bit.

He continued to struggle to open the pair of doors with no success. He groaned in frustration and pulled back a fist, intending to break open the locked entrance with a lightning-fueled punch. However, to his shock and dismay, his magic didn't appear. He looked down at his fist and tried to conjure his lightning again, but nothing happened still.

As Laxus gritted his teeth, a tenor voice asked, "are you alright, Laxus?"

The blonde man turned around to see Freed standing there, his face stoic as usual, but confusion was clearly visible in his sea-green eyes. Laxus grunted, "what the hell is going on?"

Freed shook his head, answering, "I don't know."

Laxus furrowed his brow and gave a grumble as he walked past his best friend and to the others, finding that they were all awake and trying to regain their bearings. Laxus crossed his arms over his chest and snarled out a question, "where the hell are we?"

He watched as Makarov stood up and looked around. The old man asked his grandson, "have you found any exit?"

Laxus jabbed a thumb in the direction of the doors, "some doors over there. They're locked though."

Levy stood up next and looked at the doors. She then looked Freed and asked, "are there any runes?"

Freed answered from his place next to Laxus, "I can't sense any." The green-haired man then added after a short, thoughtful hum, "it seems that this room is keeping us from being able to use magic. Laxus wasn't able to summon an attack."

Evergreen and Bixlow both jumped up, exclaiming in unison, "what?!"

Bixlow then looked around himself, almost frantically. He sighed, "my babies aren't here, so I'm useless."

Evergreen looked around, failing to hide her nervousness, "how did we even get here?"

Makarov spoke up, "that's a good question." He looked around at his guild members, "what is the last memory everybody has?"

Laxus walked over and plopped back down in his seat as he muttered, "I was walkin' home."

Freed answered next, "I was at home reading a book."

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