[4] -Into The Depths part 2-

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278 reads- Jesus Christ I did not expect that! Thank you dudes for enjoying this stupid fanfic! You guys are your many kind comments is what's making me so motivated so thank you lots! <3

Baseball teared down the hallway, his mind bombarded with regretful thoughts of Suitcase. Baseball didn't know what would happen to her, let alone if she was even alive now, the millions of questions and unknowns circled his brain like hawks and made him feel sick. He wanted so badly to go after her, but he knew he couldn't, tears welled up in his eyes but he shook it off, this was no time for crying.

He could hear the MephoneX running after him like a mechanical soldier. Baseball swerved around a corner and made a beeline for one of the doors. "C'mon one of these have to be unlocked-" Baseball frantically went to each door, trying desperately to open one. The fast approaching footfalls of the MephoneX made him work faster, finally one of them opened and Baseball wasted no time running in and slamming the door closed, locking it.

Baseball pressed his back against the door and tried to calm his breathing. He held his breath as he heard the stomping footsteps of his pursuer pass his door. It marched slowly down the hallway, he could hear the jiggling of handles as the machine methodically tried every one. Baseball felt the door knob jiggle behind him and he froze, his eye throbbed and his lungs burned but he still didn't move. Only when he heard the Mephone walk away did he let himself breathe.

Baseball took his chance to scan the room he was in. At a brief glance it only looked like a generic computer lab, but on closer inspection the room seemed to be used for one specific purpose. Various notes and equations Baseball couldn't understand littered a large whiteboard. One bigger desk specifically had piles of papers haphazardly placed on top, and tons of sticky notes stuck to the laptop in it's center.

Baseball approached the desk and scanned over the messy notes. The handwriting was almost unreadable, random numbers and phrases were circled and highlighted, but Baseball couldn't decipher their importance. Baseball opened one of the desk drawers and dug through it. It was full of blueprints, various drawings of Meeple products that Baseball recognized as older models. A divider separated one set of blueprints from another, and Baseball quickly realized why. While the 1st set of blueprints we're just Meeple products, the other was Meeple robots.

Baseball dumped the blueprints on the floor and sifted through them. Blueprints for Mephone 5, 5C, 5S, and even 6 and 6+ could be found in the pile, but what caught Baseball's attention the most was two blueprints, the blueprints for Mephone4 and 4S. Many things were labeled on the papers, but what made them stand out was a small chip labeled "emotion emulator." And a larger, more complex looking chip labeled "P.S.E Chip"

Baseball looked over the blueprints but nothing explained what the P.S.E Chip could possibly be. Baseball moved to the second drawer, this one was full of papers and files, one of which looked very old and weathered. The file was bursting with documents and was held closed with a thick black rubber band. Baseball struggled to lug the thing out of the drawer and it thunked on the floor. A piece of cream masking tape was stuck to the front, the only thing written on it being "The Shimmer Project".

Baseball didn't dare remove the rubber band, mostly due to the fact he didn't want to get a million paper cuts on his legs and feet while trying to clean up the paper tornado he would've unleashed upon the poor computer lab. Baseball took a good long look at the huge file, the laptop, and the strange blueprints on the floor. Could these be why Cobs went after Mephone4? This weird "Shimmer Project?" Baseball racked his brain trying to make it all make sense in his head, but he only succeeded in making his head hurt.

Baseball shook the thoughts from his head and gathered what he felt was most important. He closed the laptop and stacked it together with the folded up blueprints of Mephone 4 and 4S. He dragged over an empty cardboard box and put the laptop, blueprints, and the file into the box. Baseball hesitantly unlocked the door and peaked outside, the MephoneX wasn't there. Baseball tried to be as quiet as possible as he pushed the box outside and against the wall.

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