[18] -Run Away. Coward-

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Warning for auditory/visual hallucinations, mentions of panic attacks + nightmares, and stress scab picking. (I know that last one seems a bit out of nowhere but it's pretty much only mentioned twice-)

    Mephone gripped the photos in his hands, the paper crinkling in his grasp. He analyzed every inch of them, looking for answers that didn't exist. One was a picture of 4S making a small screwdriver float, a ruby aura surrounding it, similar to his, yet different. Instead of the almost electric form the energy took for Mephone, the glow practically resembled crimson fire in the way it flared upwards. Mephone looked over the photos again, and then a third time, trying desperately to get over his shock and actually look at what was in the photos.

    There was 3 of them. The first was of 4S moving the screwdriver, the second was of him focusing the energy into what looked like some type of metal container, and the final one, was practically destroyed, making it almost impossible to make out what was going on. Mephone squinted at the photo. From what he could see, 4S was burning  something, the energy in his hand glowed almost white at it's center. 4S could burn things? Mephone thought about it. If 4S could do that...maybe Mephone could as well? No...this was back then. Despite not being able to remember all of it fully, Mephone definitely couldn't do anything like that... Mephone glanced at the burnt edges and then back at the photo. Had 4S tried to...

    "Mephone.." Mephone broke out of his daze and looked up. He had completely forgotten Test Tube was still there. She put a hand on his shoulder, he couldn't stop himself from flinching. Concern was clear on her face, she stared at his hands. Mephone had not realized how hard he was gripping the fragile paper until he saw how crinkled they had gotten. He slowly released his death grip on the photos, a nervous sweat building on his screen. "I'm assuming you know who this is? Paintbrush and Fan said something about a... Mephone4S?"

    Mephone nodded, and made himself breathe for a moment. He had apparently also forgotten that Test Tube would have no idea who 4S was, or what had happened to him. Mephone sighed, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came to him. Test Tube gently took the photos from Mephone's hands. "Maybe you can come into the office, I can ask some questions, and you can... explain?" Mephone fidgeted with his hands. "I'll.....I'll try my best.." Test Tube smiled and stacked the photos in her hands. "Come out when you're ready." Test Tube shut the door as she left.

    Mephone looked behind him. He stood in the corner of the room now, an eyebrow raised. "Well." His smirk grew. "Don't leave the lady waiting."



    Mephone sat on the desk, he tapped his finger against it nervously. He glanced to Paintbrush, they only gave him a deadpan glare. He looked away, his anxiety only growing. Fan kept his phone over his face, obviously sensing the tension between the two. Test Tube entered the room and paused, looking between them. She cleared her throat and sat down in her chair, turning it towards Mephone.

    "Alright, tell us what you know about 4S and the photographs." Test Tube held up the small stack of burnt photos. Mephone couldn't help but feel lost. Where was he even supposed to start? Mephone took a deep breath. "4S was my brother, I guess. Unlike you, Mephone's aren't born biologically, we're built. Since we were never given any specific terminology the general consensus is that to some extent we're all "related" I suppose." Mephone rambled in the midst of sorting out his thoughts.

    "Paintbrush was there, and Fan probably already knows this but this body.... technically isn't mine...it's 4S's body that he...loaned to me." Test Tube's eyes widened. "what- how-" Paintbrush sighed loudly. "In the last episode of season 1, a stray lemon from Taco ended up killing Mephone4, 5, and Bow." "Wait Mephone5-" "Ya he tried to steal the million dollars and kill Mephone and 4S apparently but anyway. 4S had a change of heart and decided to sacrifice his body up for Mephone4 to inhabit. Trust me, I would know, I was the one who downgraded 4S so Mephone could come back." Paintbrush pointed to themselves and Test Tube blinked at them.

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